Cardiac Anxiety refers to the association between anxiety and heart conditions, where acute and chronic anxiety are linked to sudden cardiac death and coronary artery disease in cardiac patients. AI generated definition based on: Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry (Sixth...
people with health anxiety often seek medical consultations and examinations in hopes of easing their fears. Medical appointments may be made with increasing frequency, and the opinions of multiple doctors may be sought.
This is a disorder in which an individual obsesses over a particular unwanted thought, image, or impulse, which then causes extreme anxiety and stress. Once an obsession has developed, the individual is compelled to deal with stress and anxiety by engaging in a particular habit or behavior. The...
while there would be panic moments here and there and, at times, an especially bad walk where I really wondered if walks were the right thing for her, for the most part, she did just fine. But
Apanic attack, on the other hand, is a period of intense fear or feelings of doom that come on quickly and resolve within minutes or hours. It has a clinical definition that's used by doctors to make a diagnosis. To have a panic attack, you must experience at least four of the follo...
Searching for the best teen therapist near me can be a daunting task, especially when trying to find the right fit for your teenager’s unique needs. Deciphering the world of teen therapy requires understanding various approaches, evaluating therapists’ credentials, and knowing when to seek immedia...
Trauma And Stress Related Disorders Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) While not classified as an anxiety disorder, many people who develop PTSD struggle with various anxiety symptoms, such as intrusion symptoms, alterations in arousal and reactivity, avoidance, and many of the other symptoms assoc...
then it wasn’t done” that until something is documented, I don’t feel like my task is truly complete. This is one reason I’ve been reluctant to go back to school to become an NP, which was my original career goal, because providers of all disciplines (i.e. doctors, NPs, PAs)...
I went to numerous doctors and psychologist and tried almost everything. I had experienced many breaking points in my life as an anxiety sufferer but after the last one (you can read about it in my story below) which really took the best of me, I had started the long, frustrating road...
How many doctors have you seen? Have your relationships suffered? Are you unable to work, unemployed, has your work or career suffered, or come to an end completely? Has your level of self care diminished? Are you jealous of normal, healthy people?