The PPI results were imported into Cytoscape 3.9.1 software in TSV text format, and the topological attributes of the results were analyzed by using the “Network Analyzer” function to obtain four topological parameters (Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality, Closeness centrality, Eigenvector centra...
Moreover, using an in vivo model of depression, the impact of chronic mild stress stimuli on mRNA expression and protein amount as well as the degree of methylation of the promoter regions of genes encoding enzymes involved in the studied pathways was assessed. The obtained ...
Her quest for further education saw her enroll at Dedan Kimathi University for a bachelor of science degree in criminology and security management majoring in forensic investigations “which is what I wanted to be while growing up – a forensic expert”. She describes herself as a hardworking p...
service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial or medical decisions. Individual results may vary....