因为本专业作为博士预科班(honours也是),那么读的人自然要关注博士录取的情况,这里简要说一下: 1. PhD申请的条件是有个Research degree (research master or honours),也就是带毕业论文(thesis)的那种 2. 其中国际学生要求均分至少80(first class honours/ with commendation) 3. 均分没有80但也接近的可以申其他...
The PPI results were imported into Cytoscape 3.9.1 software in TSV text format, and the topological attributes of the results were analyzed by using the “Network Analyzer” function to obtain four topological parameters (Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality, Closeness centrality, Eigenvector centra...