商学院同胞们第一学年都逃不过的Steven Roberts, 不是隔壁Science教数学的Stephen Roberts! 这位呢是ANU...
师资: 这个part我真的夸到烂, 特别是法学, 国际政治啊 这两个百度百科都有写的代表学院啊, ANU各个college里面都会有神级的老师, 可以多打听打听~ 每学期还会全校投票选出你最想上哪位lec的课, 跨学院跨专业投票, 人气最高的lec会有一节全校公开课. 先说说我们现任校长Brian, 诺贝尔奖物理奖得主, 牛逼吧!
For more information on a range of lifestyle, financial and non-financial rewards and programs, pleaseclick here. To see what theANU College of Lawcommunity is like, we invite you to follow us on social media atInstagramandFacebook.
CFFM is led by Imperial College London with four global university partners including Berkeley, UBC Vancouver, University of Witwaterstrand and the ANU. The Research Fellow will contribute to an innovative social science-led project which will develop ...
对了,由于本人就读于CBE(college of business and economics,也就是商学院),其他学院的东西也不一定...