📅 更新一:三门课程申请截止日期为2023年11月15日,UAC国际申请截止日期为2023年11月30日: 1️⃣ Bachelor of Health Science(无需GAMSAT考试,可申请ANU of Medicine and Surgery) 2️⃣ Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) – Science 3️⃣ Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) – Humanities and Social...
Bachelor of Science3年 (减免1年)Transferring between Programs Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) Applying for course credit and exemption The following standard census dates apply at ANU: First Semester Census Date is 31 March Second Semester Census Date is 31 August https://www.anu.edu.a...
关于理学院的学位(Bachelor of Science)解释起来很简单,基本上所有理学院的专业都是在这个学位之下的,...
本科可选的专业有Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biotechnology和Bachelor of Environments & Sustainability。硕士可选的专业有Master of Environment, Master of Science in Agriculture Innovation, Master of Science in Biological Science和Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics。Master of Financial Manage...
本科可选的专业有Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biotechnology和Bachelor of Environments & Sustainability。硕士可选的专业有Master of Environment, Master of Science in Agriculture Innovation, Master of Science in Biological Science和Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics。
Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs Bachelor of Health Science Bachelor of Philosophy programs Master / Graduate Certificate of Law Master / Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice Master / Graduate Diploma of Applied Cybernetics Master / Graduate Diploma of Applied Data Analytics Master / Graduate Diploma of ...
Her quest for further education saw her enroll at Dedan Kimathi University for a bachelor of science degree in criminology and security management majoring in forensic investigations “which is what I wanted to be while growing up – a forensic expert”. ...
A little later in the interview there was another fun interlude, this time about his being a finalist in Cleo’s Bachelor of the Year contest and being described as “the thinking woman’s buttered crumpet”. It was an entertaining story, but I’m not going to spoil it just in case you...
The Australian National Internships Program (ANIP) gives Australian and International undergraduate and postgraduate students an opportunity to work at the heart of Australian policy and politics.###@@@The elite program arranges 13 week research-orientated internships at a variety of Canberra and ...
本科可选的专业有Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Biotechnology和Bachelor of Environments & Sustainability。硕士可选的专业有Master of Environment, Master of Science in Agriculture Innovation, Master of Science in Biological Science和Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics。