【参考译文】An-10V(后改为An-16)——An-10A加长6米(20英尺),机身加宽,可搭载174名乘客,航程1600公里(990英里),或搭载128名乘客,航程3000公里(1900英里)。开发工作始于1963年,但这架飞机从未建造过。 An-16 –An-10 lengthened by 3 m (9.8 ft) to carry 130 passengers. Development began in 1957, ...
Andrey Shapovalov RA-28719 3,990 7 0 Antonov An-28 Ivan Goreza RA-28719 2,156 0 0 Antonov An-28 valera1983sv UHMM 784 16 0 Airport valera1983sv RA-26113 1,070 17 0 Antonov An-26B-100 valera1983sv RF-28508 1,480 14 0 Mil Mi-8MTV-1 valera1983sv P-672 108 2 0 Anton...
A warning is fired when I reject a Promise with an new Error('...'), but Promise and Error are from different Window 's (e.g. window.opener and window child - from window.open or iframe.contentWindow). Of cource, it means, that rejectRea...
we don't need this. We have a map, we emit events for every rejection in the map and clear it. After that, if we receivekPromiseHandlerAddedAfterRejectand promise is not in the map, we know that the event was emitted already an we need another one (rejectionHandled). No need to sto...
EW-435TI. Antonov An-12BK. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!