Antonov An-32 Category: Aircraft » Propeller Used from: 1976–Now Used by: Manufacturer: Antonov Also known as: Cline Hot kits AN-32 Amodel 1:72 72962006 New tool An-32B Amodel 1:72 721802012 New parts An-32Transport Aircraft
Taken through the right side window on taxi towards runway 16L for departure. The ramps at Lima contain amazing variety, only a small part of which is visible in this image.. EP-831. Antonov An-32. is the biggest database of aviation photog
This is the livery only for the Tim Conrad An-32 (ANTONOVAN-32.ZIP). By Mark Bradshaw. Screenshot of FedEx Antonov An-32 on the ground. INSTALLATION: This is will work with the Tim Conrad freeware An-32. Copy the folder into your [FSX Installation]\SimObjects\Airplanes\...
1. Unzip to a temporary folder, ensuring that you retain folder names. 2. Move the texture folder 'texture.aeroflot' to your 'Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\AN-32' folder. 3. Open the aircraft.cfg with a text editor. Enter the following section under ...
An-32 is a tactical light transport aircraft manufactured by Ukraine’s Antonov Design Bureau. An-32 is a twin engine, tactical light transport aircraft designed and manufactured by Antonov Design Bureau of Ukraine for the Indian Air Force (IAF). Its Nato reporting name is Cline. The An-32 ...
> K2737 AIRCRAFTAntonov An-32 AIRLINEIndia - Air Force OPERATORIndia - Air Force TYPE CODEAN32 CodeIFC CodeIFC MODE S800255 SERIAL NUMBER (MSN) AGE DATEFROMTOFLIGHTFLIGHT TIMESTDATDSTASTATUS 27 Feb 2025———03:0403:04—ScheduledPlay 26...
Flight history for aircraft - KA2677 AIRCRAFT Antonov An-32RE AIRLINE India - Air Force OPERATOR India - Air Force TYPE CODE AN32 Code IFC Code IFC MODE S 80062A SERIAL NUMBER (MSN) AGE © Ragzz | Jetphotos DATEFROMTOFLIGHTFLIGHT TIMESTDATDSTASTATUS Sorry, but we could not find data...
2,980 Likes 16 Badges Notes None Camera Sony ILCE 6300Show Exif data Aircraft Reg:KA2764 photos Aircraft: Antonov An-32RE Airline:India - Air Force Serial #: 1210 Photo Location Chandigarh Air Base - VICG India Photographer avion_guy ...
安东诺夫飞机(设计办公室前缀为 An-)的范围从坚固的 An-2(本身对于双翼机来说较大)到 An-28 侦察机,再到巨大的 An-124 Ruslan 战略运输机。四发涡轮螺旋桨飞机 An-12 及其衍生产品从 1959 年起成为苏联的主要军用运输机。虽然不太为人所知,但 An-24、An-26、An-30 和 An-32 系列双发涡轮螺旋桨飞机...
【参考译文】安东诺夫公司计划在用乌克兰和外国的类似产品完全替换俄罗斯零部件后,启动 An-178 飞机的批量生产[32]。 此图片遵循CC BY 4.0协议 图片题注:Antonov An-132D maiden flight参考译文:安东诺夫 An-132D 首飞图片来源 4. 主要承包商和合作伙伴 | Major contractors and partners 合同...