(Plants) any scrophulariaceous plant of the genusAntirrhinum,esp the snapdragon, which have two-lipped flowers of various colours [C16: via Latin from Greekantirrhinon,from anti- (imitating) +rhisnose; so called from a fancied likeness to an animal's snout] ...
This article reviews the recent research advances of floral formation (including floral induction,identification of inflorescence,floral evocation and floral morphogenesis) in plants (taking example by Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum ). 以拟南芥、金鱼草为例,介绍了近几年植物成花 (包括成花诱导、花序分生组织...
'Linnea… A plant of Lapland, lowly, insignificant, disregarded, flowering but for a brief space' - from Linnaeus who resembles it. 相关网站 | 中文维基百科 | Online Etymology Dictionary | 多识植物百科 | Plants of the World Online | Tropicos | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Latin is Simple ...
the genus of plants to which Snapdragon belongs. From Project Gutenberg Now, in common with a large number of perennials and biennials, the Antirrhinum is almost exclusively grown from seed. From Project Gutenberg Antirrhinum is admirably adapted for a dry and sunny position, in which it will ...
Antirrhinum is a genus of plants more commonly known as snapdragons. Species of the genus Antirrhinum (Veronicaceae) provide excellent opportunities for research on plant evolution given their extensive morphological and ecological diversity. These opportunities are enhanced by genetic and developmental ...
英文: GENE TRANSFORMATION AND TRANSGENIC PLANTS REGENERATION OF ANTIRRHINUM MAJUS WITH AGSOBACTERIUM TUMEFACIENS中文: 金鱼草基因转化和转基因植株再生 英文: Establishment of the Self-incompatibility (S) Locus-directed Transposon Tagging System in Antirrhinum中文: 金鱼草S位点选择性转座子标定体系的建立 ...
Define Antirrhinum majus. Antirrhinum majus synonyms, Antirrhinum majus pronunciation, Antirrhinum majus translation, English dictionary definition of Antirrhinum majus. Noun 1. Antirrhinum majus - perennial native to the Mediterranean but widely cultiva
2.The efficient induction of tetraploid plants via adventitious shoots in Antirrhinum majus L. by in vitro seed treatment with amiprophos-methyl and spring 机译:通过氨磷酸 - 甲基的体外种子处理通过偶像芽通过不定芽诱导四倍体植物的诱导 - Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture: An International Journ...
摘要: Antirrhinum is a genus of plants more commonly known as snapdragons. Species of the genus Antirrhinum (Veronicaceae) provide excellent opportunities for research on plant evolution given their extensiDOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21201-7_1 被引量: 7 ...
A transposon-tagging strategy has been employed in order to allow the isolation of a race-specific rust resistance gene from Antirrhinum . Six mutant (susceptible) plants have been produced. Evidence that the R gene has been tagged is: i) repeats of the tagging protocol in which transposons ...