Results indicate that bees recognized plants with magenta conical-celled flowers at a distance and did not approach white flowers or magenta flat-celled flowers so frequently. Petal cell shape interacted with colour in determining whether an approaching bee landed on a flower within a plot and ...
Bovy, Modification of flavonoid biosynthesis in crop plants, Phytochemistry, 2004, 65, 19, 2631CrossRef 19Vern E. Collette, Paula E. Jameson, Kathy E. Schwinn, Pathmanathan Umaharan, Kevin M. Davies, Temporal and spatial expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in flowers of Anthurium ...
Fig. 3: Evolution of flower symmetry and TCP gene family. Left, a phylogenetic tree of the flowering plants derived from their divergence time based on orthologues of single-gene families. Three red stars show the whole-genome triplication and two green stars the duplication events (http://chi...
Plants of Antirrhinum majus carrying the semidominant Macho alleles of the plena gene display carpelloid sepals and staminoid petals, but the two inner flower whorls of stamens and carpels are normal and produce fertile gametes. In the recessive plena mutant, in contrast, the two outer whorls...
The mutant phenotype was attenuated when plants were grown at higher temperature (25°C). The backpetals mutation is semidominant: when crossed to a wild-type line (JI98), it gave F1 plants with a weak mutant phenotype. Often only part of a petal was dorsalized in heterozygotes, the ...
Effects of floral diversity and pollinator behaviour on the persistence of hybrid zones between plants sharing pollinators Background: Plant hybrid zones often display a large diversity in floral traits due to segregation and recombination occurring in the second and later hybr... Tastard,Andalo,Burru...
MACHLIS, LEONARDNature Publishing Group UKNatureMascarenhas, J. P. and Machlis, L. (1962). Chemotropic response of Antirrhinum majus pollen to calcium. Nature 196, 292-293.Mascarenhas JP,Leonard M.Chemotropic response of Antirrhinum majus pollen to calcium. Nature . 1962...
1. Department of Plant Biology, University of Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, B15 2TT, Birmingham, UKKluwer Academic PublishersPlant Cell Tissue and Organ CultureAtkinson NJ, Ford-Lloyd BV, Newbury HJ. 1989. Regeneration of plants from Antirrhinum majus L. callus. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ ...
Although del transcripts are ubiquitous in the transgenic plants, transcript levels of host anthocyanin biosynthetic genes are only increased in pigmented regions. Constructs carrying the maize transposon Ac , inserted at the 3' end of the 35S promoter prior to the start of translation of the del ...
The Science of Nature - The timing of volatile organic compound (VOC) emission by flowering plants often coincides with pollinator foraging activity. Volatile emission is often considered to be...Montgomery, ClaraSchool of Biological Sciences, Life Sciences Building, University of Bristol, Bristol, ...