Unorthodox- 1710 Frankfort Ave. - (502) 523-7683 2023 Antiques- 2023 Frankfort Ave. - (502) 899-9872 Peggy the manager Our friendly staff Come back often! 1860 Mellwood Ave Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 895-1306
Louisville, KY, USBid Now LIVE270 Antares Eclipse Auction: March 3rd Donny Malone Auctions Started: Mar 04, 2025 1:00 AM GMT+8 Saugerties, NY, USBid Now LIVE159 Paintings, Photography & Prints; Furniture Winter Associates Started: Mar 04, 2025 6:30 AM GMT+8 Plainville, CT, USBid No...
in 1999. We can be found set up or searching for new items to offer at most major military shows around the country such as The Forks of Delaware Show in Allentown PA several times a year. You can also find us in Louisville KY, Baltimore MD and Gettysburg PA shows just to name a ...
3700 Lexington Road Louisville, KY 40207 502.899.5335COMING SOON Fine Art Drawings/ Watercolors Paintings Furniture Chairs/ Seating Chests/ Case Pieces Chinese Furniture Clocks/ Barometers Desks/ Bookcases Miscellaneous Tables Mirrors NEW ARRIVALS New Arrivals Coming Soon News Blog...
WELCOME TO COMBAT-RELICS INC. Dealer of iconic military antiquities for historians, museums, collectors, and enthusiasts. We specialize in the front line uniforms, helmets, field gear, personal items, and captured battle souvenirs taken by Allied soldiers from vanquished enemies and defunct governments...