Louisville, KY 40206 MellwoodAntiques.com The Red Door Antiques 270-388-1957 35 Us Highway 641 N Eddyville, KY 42038 TheRedDoorAntiques.AntiqueTrail.com The Side Track Shops and Antique Mall 270-369-8766 212 E Main St Glendale, KY 42740 ...
N. G. Nichols, Apothecary, and Dealers in Toilet and Fancy Articles. Also only Manufacturer of Dr. Maynard’s Celebrated Restorative Bitters, Prepared from the original recipe of Dr. J. G. Maynard, of Edinburgh, Scotland. Cor. Congress & Grove Sts., (Chase’s New Brick Block.) Portland,...
THERE IS NOTHING BETTER IN THE MARKET. BROWN, THOMPSON & CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. ...at the bottom of the card it reads, "FOR SALE BY" and enough space remains for what could be a seller, but the space is void of any writing DR. FRIEND'S COUGH BALSAM / CURRIER & IVES Front Back ...