The main antigen-presenting cells for T cells are dendritic cells , macrophages, and B cells.Antigen-presenting cellsdendritic cellsSj枚gren SyndromeSj枚gren SyndromeAutoantibodiesAutoantibodiesPeptide VaccinesPeptide VaccinesT-cell ResponseT-cell ResponseDNA VaccinationDNA VaccinationDNA VaccinationAcid rains...
必应词典为您提供antigen-presenting-cells,APCs的释义,网络释义: 抗原提呈细胞;抗原呈现细胞;抗原呈献细胞;
例句Helper T cells recognize processed antigen and activate the humoral immune response.辅助性T细胞识别经过处理的抗原并激活体液免疫反应。 presenting美 /prɪ'zɛnt/ 释义v. 赠送,呈现(present的ing形式) 例句Part Two of this article will address these issues by presenting a candidate architecture for...
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are a heterogeneous group of immune cells that mediate the cellular immune response by processing and presenting antigens for recognition by certain lymphocytes such as T cells. Classical APCs include dendritic cells, macrophages, Langerhans cells and B cells. ...
Antigen-presenting cells ( APCs ) are cells of the immune system that are able to process and present foreign antigens to effector cells (e.g. cytotoxic T-cells or T-helper cells). The antigen is presented in the context of an MHC-I or MHC-II molecule on APCs in the presence of so...
CellsthatexpressMHCclassII,presentexogenousantigen ActivatetheCD4+Tcellresponse ArecalledAntigenpresentingcells ProfessionalAPCs Dendriticcells,macrophagesandBcells,whichcanexpressMHCclassIImolecules. Non-professionalAPC Endothelialcell(EC) Fibroblasticcell
1、Chapter 11 Antigen Presenting Cells and Antigen presentation I. APC (antigen presenting cells)Professional APCs(DCs, macrophages, B cells)Non-professional APCsII. Ags Processing and presenting pathwayMHC class I pathwayMHC class II pathwayCross presentationNon-classical antigen presentation pathwayC 2...
•Ag-specificTcellsarerare.•Infectionmayoccuratanysiteinthebody.•Antigen-presentingcells(APC)capture,presentantigenandactivateTcells.抗原递呈 •效应性T细胞产生效应•初始化的T细胞活化 HowdoTcellsrecognizeAg?TheT-cellreceptorresemblesamembrane-associatedFabfragmentofimmunoglobulin •B-cellreceptorsor...
Related to Antigen-presenting cells:perforin,Dendritic cells an·ti·gen (ăn′tĭ-jən)alsoan·ti·gene(-jēn′) n. A molecule that is capable of binding to an antibody or to an antigen receptor on a T cell, especially one that induces an immune response. An antigen is usually a...
In this regard, antigen-presenting-cells (APCs) play a pivotal role in transferring information from the periphery of the organism to lymphoid organs, where they initiate the activation of naive T cells. Dendritic cells, Langerhans' cells (LCs), and macrophages are also critical in the induction...