17, 1862, is said to have been the bloodiest single day of the war with some 23,000 dead and wounded, evenly divided between the sides. It was a Union victory only in the sense that Lee's invasion was stopped. McClellan has been blamed for not pursuing Lee with his superior forces....
, 249 Confederate forces are shown in red and Union forces in blue. Headquarters of McClellan and Lee are clearly indicated. Legend lists the names of the corps, division, and brigade commanders. Brigades are keyed by number of positions on the map. Shows roads, railroad, houses, fences, ...
American Civil War - Bull Run, Manassas, Antietam: In the Second Battle of Bull Run (in the South, the Battle of Second Manassas), the Confederate victory drove the Union army from eastern Virginia. In the Battle of Antietam, Lee was compelled to retreat