Headquarters of McClellan and Lee are clearly indicated. Legend lists the names of the corps, division, and brigade commanders. Brigades are keyed by number of positions on the map. Shows roads, railroad, houses, fences, names of residents, "Burnside Bridge," "Bloody Lane," "Dunker's ...
How did the Battle of Vicksburg affect the North? Who won the Battle of Sharpsburg? How did the Battle of Antietam begin? What battles did the North win in the Civil War? How did the Battle of Chancellorsville affect the Civil War? Who were the commanders of the Battle of Chickamauga?
The XII Corps served as part of the United States Army in the Army of the Potomac. It served in several major campaigns of the war, including the Battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Lookout Mountain. Many illustrious officers of the Union Army served as its commanders, divis...
The Battle of Gettysburg occurred just three days after General Meade's appointment to command. Using the most qualified of his corps commanders to act for him in the field, Meade arrived on the battleground late on July 1st where he learned the details of the death of his friend and mentor...
15. Marching Song (Of The First Arkansas Negro Regiment) 16. Why And The Wherefore 17. Vacant Chair 18. Fall Of Charleston 19. New York Volunteer 20. Faded Coat Of Blue 21. Marching Through Georgia 22. Just Before The Battle, Mother ...
Despite its shocking casualty figures, the most important consequence of Antietam was off the field. From the outset of thewar, slaves had been pouring into Federal camps seeking safety and freedom. Early in the war, Lincoln had slapped the wrists of commanders who tried to issue emancipation ...
(June 25–July 1, 1862), failed, ordered him to give them up. Then he tried a succession of commanders for the army in Virginia—John Pope, McClellan again,Ambrose E. Burnside,Joseph Hooker, andGeorge Gordon Meade—but was disappointed with each of them in turn. Meanwhile, he had in...