近日,CVPR官方网站公布了Proposal的最终收录结果,各式各样的Workshop和挑战赛已相继启动报名。 其中,“全华班”AI学者组织的The 1st Anti-UAV Workshop & Challenge (https://anti-uav.github.io/)尤为亮眼,该Workshop由北方电子设备研究所助理研究员赵健博士、澎思科技首席科学家申省梅、中国科学院自动化研究所王强...
近日,CVPR官方网站公布了Proposal的最终收录结果,各式各样的Workshop和挑战赛已相继启动报名。 其中,“全华班”AI学者组织的The 1st Anti-UAV Workshop & Challenge (https://anti-uav.github.io/)尤为亮眼,该Workshop由北方电子设备研究所助理研究员赵健博士、澎思科技首席科学家申省梅、中国科学院自动化研究所王强...
The 2nd Anti-UAV Workshop \& Challenge aims to encourage research in developing novel and accurate methods for multi-scale object tracking. The Anti-UAV dataset used for the Anti-UAV Challenge has been publicly released. There are two subsets in the dataset, i.e. i.e. , the test-dev su...
ICCV 2021 Anti-UAV Workshop &Challenge的举办初衷在于鼓励来自复杂环境下小物体检测、跟踪、识别领域及其他相关领域的专家、学者、老师、同学们展示他们的科研成果,共同探讨、交流、构思新想法、新方案,并由此推动和促进实际应用场景下的有关技术与系统的性能和实用价值。 ICCV 2021 Anti-UAV Workshop & Challenge 日...
Scenario Variations: Compared to the previous challenge, we further enlarge the dataset this year by adding more challenging video sequences with dynamic backgrounds, complex movements, and tiny-scale targets, such that the resulting new dataset covers a greater variety of scenarios with multi-scale ...
The results of the UG2 CVPR 2024 challenge are now available. Quick use We have done some experiments of state-of-the-art methods on our the datasets. If you are seeking to do the same, please check out the following to get the work done quickly. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border...
The 2nd Anti-UAV Workshop & Challenge官网: https://anti-uav.github.io/ 接下来是活动详细信息: 01 征稿信息 重要日期 截稿日期:2021年7月24日 录用通知:2021年8月9日 投稿主页 https://anti-uav.github.io/submission/ 奖励 预期最终接收20篇海报文章,1篇口头报告文章(来自最佳论文团队)。最佳论文奖由...
This challenge is particularly evident in tasks involving the detection of small UAVs, given the variability and complexity of real-world scenarios. Our dataset encompasses more than 35 distinct UAV models. In addition, the dataset includes visible-light images captured under various conditions, such ...
We propose a game-theoretical center frequency selection method for UAV-enabled air-to-ground (A2G) networks to address this challenge. Specifically, we model the central frequency selection problem as a Stackelberg game between the UAV and the jammer, where the UAV is the leader and the jammer...
V2 and V3 were used for the CVPR UG2+ challenge, which is more challenging than V1. V1 mostly flies below 30m, while V2 and V3 are designed for actual warfare simulation, reaching up to 70m. UAV Precision hits are unlikely to go beyond 70m. The results of the UG2 CVPR 2024 challe...