2024年9月19日,于君教授团队在Cancer Cell上发表了题为Fusobacterium nucleatum facilitates anti-PD-1 therapy in microsatellite stable colorectal cancer的研究论文。该研究提示了,Fn丰度可能是预测微卫星稳定型结直肠癌中anti-PD-1治...
2、研究者进一步揭示了治疗引起的这些亚群的动态变化及其与临床结果的相关性 2023年11月02日,哥伦比亚大学爱尔文医学中心的研究人员在Cancer Cell期刊发表了题为:Anti-PD-1 immunotherapy with androgen deprivation therapy induces robust immune infiltration in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer的研究文章。
Anti-PD-1 therapy in nonmelanoma skin cancer. Winkler JK,Schneiderbauer R,Bender C,et al. Br J Dermatol . 2016Winkler JK, Schneiderbauer R, Bender C, Sedlaczek O, Frohling S, Penzel R, et al. Anti-programmed cell death-1 therapy in nonmelanoma skin cancer. Br J Dermatol (...
2021年12月23日,北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)、生命科学学院、北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(ICG)张泽民课题组联合301医院韩为东课题组在国际期刊Nature Cancer上发表了题为Temporal single-cell tracing reveals clonal revival and expansion of precursor exhausted T cells during anti-PD-1 therapy in lung...
承葛生物创立于2016年,2017年在厦门成立研发中心,2018年建立精准化菌群移植治疗平台(Precision Microbiota Transplantion Therapy,PMTT),2020年成立微生态诊疗中心,完成闭环式微生态医疗体系的打造。是专注于人体(肠道)微生态,业务领域横跨医疗诊断、微生态治疗、微生态药物研发和医疗数据挖掘的大型综合性生物医药类科技公司...
2021年12月23日,北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)、生命科学学院、北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(ICG)张泽民课题组联合301医院韩为东课题组在国际期刊Nature Cancer上发表了题为Temporal single-cell tracing reveals clonal revival and expansion of precursor exhausted T cells during anti-PD-1 therapy in lung...
Online literature searches were performed via PubMed, PubMed Central, and Google using the keywords “immune checkpoint inhibition”; “host-directed therapy”; “T cell exhaustion”; “cancer immunotherapy”; “anti-PD-1 therapy”; “anti-PD-L1 therapy”; “chronic infections”; “antigen-specif...
2021年12月23日,北京大学生物医学前沿创新中心(BIOPIC)、生命科学学院、北京未来基因诊断高精尖创新中心(ICG)张泽民课题组联合301医院韩为东课题组在Nature Cancer上发表了题为Temporal single-cell tracing reveals clonal revival and expans...
the durable response rate to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapy remains relatively low in most cases4,5. The major factors attributed to the resistance to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapy include the lack of infiltrating T lymphocytes in tumor tissues characterizing the so-called “cold tumor”6, and the pre...
Stone L. Kidney cancer: VEGFR⁃TKI after anti⁃PD⁃1 therapy is safe.[ J] . Nature Rev Urol, 2016,13(6) :301. 收稿日期:2017-03-19; 修回日期:2017-07-14Stone L. Kidney cancer: VEGFR-TKI after anti-PD-1 therapy is safe.[J]. Nature Rev Urol, 2016,13(6) :301....