将不同浓度的融合蛋白anti-HER2 ScFv-GFP分别与HER2阳性的乳腺癌细胞SKBR3、HER2阴性的MCF7混合,观察绿色荧光在不同癌细胞表面的分布。结果:成功获得长度为1 539 bp的融合基因,原核表达系统pBAD His B/anti-HER2-ScFv-GFP/TOP10成功构建并表达携带绿色荧光的抗HER2单链抗体,融合蛋白相对分子量大小约60 kDa。HER2...
产品名称 DSPE-PEG-Anti-HER2 Fab’or scFv F5 产品规格 mg 用途范围 科研用 是否进口 否 加工定制 是 包装规格 1kg 产地 陕西西安 纯度 95% 销售范围 全国 储存条件 -20℃ 储存时间 一年 包装容器 安培瓶/塑封瓶 了解her2详情 陕西星贝爱科生物科技有限责任公司 店铺信息 成立时间 2022-08-3...
While the scFv-AL1-PE38KDEL is designed as 1:1 for scFv:toxin in one immunoconjugate complex, the scFv-AL2-PE38KDEL is designed to mimic the bivalent antigen binding of IgG with 2 scFvs in one immunoconjugate complex. 92 GH2 scFvs, which bind to HER2-ECD with high specificity and ...
Considering the existing immunological tolerance against HER2, we will discuss the different anti-HER2 vaccine strategies that are currently developed and have been or are assessed in clinical trials as well as those which are still at the preclinical stage. We will also comment on how anti-HER2 ...
肿瘤靶向蛋白偶联脂质体DSPE-PEG-Anti-HER2Fab’orscFvF5 脂质体可以通过增强滞留效应(enhanced permeation and retention effect,EPR)被动进入肿瘤组织,相比于单纯的放化疗,具有一定的临床治疗优势。但由于血流速度较快,脂质体通过静注进入体内后并不能长时间停留在肿瘤部位,而在脂质体表面连接多肽制备成的靶向脂质体静...
1. Killing effect of anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody-TAX immunoconjugate on the tumor cells in vitro; 紫杉醇与抗HER2单抗Sc7301偶联物对肿瘤细胞株的体外杀伤效应更多例句>> 2) anti-HER2/neu scFvC6.5 抗HER2/neu单链抗体 1. It was investigated whether combined treatment with tumor necrosis factor-...
Engineering biparatopic scFv–Fab fusions guided by a DARPin blueprint Fig. 1: Antibody-derived biparatopic binders achieve high antiproliferative activity, induce apoptosis and partial lockdown of HER2. Tetravalent IgG achieves complete HER2 lockdown with antiproliferative activity beyond the combination ...
DSPE-PEG-Anti-HER2 Fab’or scFv F5是一款专为科研设计的靶向蛋白。源自陕西星贝爱科,产地西安,纯度高达95%。它能在-20℃条件下稳定储存一年。这款产品店内用安培瓶或塑封瓶进行包装,确保产品的新鲜度和纯度。如果您在科研过程中需要定制服务或有任何疑问,店内随时为您提供专业支持。期待您的垂询,请留下联系方式...
In this study, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy of immobilized-metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) for separation of HCPs from anti-HER2 single chain fragment variable (scFv) expressed in E. coli. This study explored how different purification conditions including native, denaturing and hybrid ...
摘要: 目的 建立免疫毒素ScFv(anti HER2)-PE38的分离纯化工艺.方法 免疫毒素ScFv(anti HER2)-PE38变性后,进行金属螯合柱层析复性和纯化,再用分子筛层析进行精纯,SDS-PAGE分析纯化产物.结果 包涵体形式存在的免疫毒素SeFv(anti HER2)-PE38以8 mol/L尿素溶解效果较... 查看全部>> ...