SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam是一款功能非常强大的 WordPress 验证码插件,可以给注册页面、登录页面、找回密码页面以及评论功能等添加验证码,而且支持 WordPress单站点、多站点和 BuddyPress。完美兼容 Akismet。 安装并启用SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam后,设置如下: 启用验证在登录页面: 是否在登录窗口显示验证码。 启用验证当用户注册...
Our WordPress anti spam solution is highly praised for its effectiveness and ease of use. Review (Posted on WordPress Plugin Review) @nuithonNot bloated with features. But it seems to have everything that one needs for an antispam plugin. Very simple to install and to use. Affordable too....
Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam works on any WordPress site thatuses a compatible form plugin. Does Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam report the amount of blocked spam? Yes. On the Jetpack Dashboard (WP Admin > Jetpack > Dashboard) there is a stats card that shows the number of spam comments and submis...
SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam是一个WordPress插件,它会在留言表单,注册表单,登录表单添加一个CAPTCHA验证码,用来防止垃圾留言或者恶意注册。 博客安装 SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 插件之后,用户必须要输入图片上的文字才能留言或者注册,这样就可以防止机器人自动注册和留言,增加博客的安全性。 SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 安装要求 WordPres...
pluginkollektiv/antispam-bee Star169 „... another popular solution to fight spam is Antispam Bee“ – Matt Mullenweg, Q&A WordCamp Europe 2014 wordpresswordpress-pluginantispamhacktoberfestspam-detectionspam-commentscomment-spam UpdatedMar 3, 2025 ...
Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam 在使用兼容表单插件的任何 WordPress 站点上均可运行。 Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam 是否报告所拦截垃圾邮件的数量? 是。 在 Jetpack 仪表盘(WP Admin > Jetpack > 仪表盘)上,统计信息卡片显示了您的站点上通过 Akismet Anti-spam 拦截的垃圾邮件评论和提交项目的数量。 需要帮助? 开始...
Simple Comments is the number 1 most powerful Anti-Spam WordPress Spam Protection and Security plugin capable of stopping spambots and hackbots. Simple Comments provides 100% protection for your login, registration, comment, contact, and other forms. Since the public launch of Simple Comments in ...
Anti Hacker Plugin for Wordress (Free) FREE Download Now No matter how small or big your server is, hackers may attempt to use it to send spam, steal traffic, and attack other computers. According to Security magazine, there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds. ...
SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 是一个功能非常强大的 WordPress验证码插件,可以给注册页面、登录页面、找回密码页面以及评论功能等添加验证码,而且支持 WordPress单站点、多站点和 BuddyPress。完美兼容 Akismet。 SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 插件下载安装 可以直接在后台插件安装界面搜索 SI CAPTCHA 在线安装,或者在这里下载SI CAPTCHA...
WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam插件功能强大,可以有效阻止垃圾评论和一些恶意的注册、联系表单信息。插件支持Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, JetPack Contact Forms & Comments, BuddyPress, bbPress, 等几乎所有的WordPress表单插件。