Easy Installation, Simple Setup, Premium Support with the Best Anti Spam Plugin for WordPress. Effortlessly enhance your website owners’ experience and security…
Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam works on any WordPress site thatuses a compatible form plugin. Does Jetpack Akismet Anti-spam report the amount of blocked spam? Yes. On the Jetpack Dashboard (WP Admin > Jetpack > Dashboard) there is a stats card that shows the number of spam comments and submis...
SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam是一个WordPress插件,它会在留言表单,注册表单,登录表单添加一个CAPTCHA验证码,用来防止垃圾留言或者恶意注册。 博客安装 SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 插件之后,用户必须要输入图片上的文字才能留言或者注册,这样就可以防止机器人自动注册和留言,增加博客的安全性。 SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 安装要求 WordPres...
you need to install the WP Spam Fighter. From here, you should activate this plugin. From the settings menu, there is an option to enable Honeypot protection. This option includes a hidden form to the comments area which can only be visible to bots. As the spam bots fill out all the ...
Antispam Bee Say Goodbye to comment spam on your WordPress blog or website.Antispam Beeblocks spam comments and trackbacks effectively, without captchas and without sending personal information to third party services. It is free of charge, ad-free and 100% GDPR compliant....
SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 是一个功能非常强大的 WordPress验证码插件,可以给注册页面、登录页面、找回密码页面以及评论功能等添加验证码,而且支持 WordPress单站点、多站点和 BuddyPress。完美兼容 Akismet。 SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam 插件下载安装 可以直接在后台插件安装界面搜索 SI CAPTCHA 在线安装,或者在这里下载SI CAPTCHA...
SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam是一款功能非常强大的 WordPress 验证码插件,可以给注册页面、登录页面、找回密码页面以及评论功能等添加验证码,而且支持 WordPress单站点、多站点和 BuddyPress。完美兼容 Akismet。 安装并启用SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam后,设置如下: 启用验证在登录页面: 是否在登录窗口显示验证码。
WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam插件功能强大,可以有效阻止垃圾评论和一些恶意的注册、联系表单信息。插件支持Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, JetPack Contact Forms & Comments, BuddyPress, bbPress, 等几乎所有的WordPress表单插件。
//die(); //方法二: 標記為 spam, 留在資料庫檢查是否誤判. add_filter('pre_comment_approved', create_function('', 'return "spam";')); $comment['comment_content'] = "[ 小牆判斷這是Spam! ]\n". $_POST['spam_confirmed']; } return $comment; } } $anti_spam = new anti_spam();...
A simple solution for WordPress comment spam. wordpressblacklistblocklistantispamspam-filteringwordpress-commentscomment-blacklistcomment-blocklist UpdatedDec 12, 2024 altcha-org/altcha Star525 GDPR compliant, self-hosted CAPTCHA alternative with PoW mechanism and advanced anti-spam filter. ...