pDHtskpEnCMVpCS2pEF人肥大细胞BB170哈维氏弧菌 注册/登录 pET9a-anti-PDL1-Nanobody 平台编号:zl-001697 相关信息:大肠杆菌 注意事项:仅用于科学研究或者工业应用等非医疗目的不可用于人类或动物的临床诊断或治疗,非药用,非食用(产品信息以出库为准) 详情描述 ...
pET9a-anti-PDL1-Nanobody 英文别名: 中文名: PET9A-ANTI-PDL1-NANOBODY 中文别名: PET9A-ANTI-PDL1-NANOBODY CBNumber: CB813296786 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商1 PET9A-ANTI-PDL1-NANOBODY化学性质
中文名称:PET9A-ANTI-PDL1-NANOBODY 中文同义词:PET9A-ANTI-PDL1-NANOBODY 英文名称:pET9a-anti-PDL1-Nanobody 英文同义词: CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览pET9a-anti-PDL1-Nanobody国外供应商中国供应商 ...
中文名称:Anti-Human PDL1 (lO4F5) nanobody 中文同义词: 英文名称:Anti-Human PDL1 (lO4F5) nanobody 英文同义词: Anti-Human PDL1 (lO4F5) nanobody CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: Mol文件:Mol File按省份浏览供应商 国外供应商
Inspired by changes in the tumor microenvironment, including a decrease in intratumoral dysfunctional CD8+T cells and an increase in PDL1 on the tumor cell surface, macrophages were loaded with the engineered strain VNP-PD1nb, which can express and secrete anti-PD1 nanoantibodies after they are ...
Inspired by changes in the tumor microenvironment, including a decrease in intratumoral dysfunctional CD8+ T cells and an increase in PDL1 on the tumor cell surface, macrophages were loaded with the engineered strain VNP-PD1nb, which can express and secrete anti-PD1 nanoantibodies after they are...