June 3: Jewish Voice for Peace posts a cartoon of IDF soldiers drinking blood as Palestinian bodies laying on the ground in pools of blood are depicted in the foreground (Jerusalem Post) June 8: Holocaust Museum on Mount Zion is desecrated with antisemitic inscriptions (I24NEWS) July 5: As...
PANEL 1 – A poster on the wall shows an anime girl holding a video game controller, under the caption “Anime and Video Games.” A smaller caption at the bottom says “You only don’t like them because you’re old.” An adorable kitten on the counter is swiping at a computer mouse....
Now I'm reading about molar pregnancies and downs syndrome... driving myself crazy haha. OP posts: See next See all Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Bookmark gamerchick · 25/11/2023 16:05 Your last period might not have been a real period though OP Stop go...
Something must be done and this battle cannot be fought in the trenches.We need to take action. Start by making sure nobody in your circle donates to the website.Then make a call so others stop funding this Jew-hate.Start petitions calling for change and for the government to discuss the...
Stay in the safe lane or download software and then run it only on an air gapped machine. Just like drinking and driving, you may be lucky a couple of times, but it will catch up with you. PS. It is typically easier to hack the antivirus than a *nix based system like the Mac OS...
The drug comes in powder form in sachet, which is taken orally by dissolving it in water. It accumulates in the virus infected cells and prevents virus growth by stopping viral synthesis and energy production. Its selective accumulation in virally infected cells makes this drug unique. ...