SAR S, ANGHELCEV G.Congruity Between Mood and Message Regulatory Focus Enhances the Effectiveness of Anti Drinking and Driving Advertisements:A Global versus Local Processing Explanation[J].International Journal of Advertising, 2015, 34 (3) :421-446....
Drinking Chemical X Won’t Make You A Power Puff Girl. Sober and Sane, Druggies Can’t Relate! If It’s Cool, It Won’t Make You A Fool. Run Away Like Your Life Depends On It! Cocaine Wastes Your Life, Not Thins Your Waist. Best Anti-drug Slogans To Start A Drug Free Life Drug...
These data appear initially incongruent with our murine data since animals given formulations of free penicillin either intravenously or in drinking water failed to exhibit a specific response. However, it is noteworthy that these selective effects may be attributed to dosing; humans are given as ...
Familiarity with the driving task, the forgiveness of the driving environment, the relatively low risk of have any kind of crash, and having one while driving drunk, and people's perceptions that they can "handle" drinking well enough to drive all contribute to the problem. 展开 关键词: ...
Padilla, Howie
The sheriff's deputy who arrested Gibson said in an interview that he feels bad for damage to the star's reputation but hopes Gibson thinks twice before drinking and driving. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy James Mee, who is Jewish, said that he considered it a routine arrest and did...
The escalating global need for efficient wastewater treatment and access to purified drinking water has driven significant advancements in water treatment technologies1,2. Membrane-based separation, renowned for its energy-saving and efficacy, plays a pivotal role in meeting these requirements3,4. Howeve...
3. The drinking had stopped for a little while, but now he didn't feel so bad about getting hammered all the time because he was forgiven. 4. Same for the promiscuity. Stopped for a while, but a party's a party, right? 5. He still had the Bible he'd received, but he never re...
Stay in the safe lane or download software and then run it only on an air gapped machine. Just like drinking and driving, you may be lucky a couple of times, but it will catch up with you. PS. It is typically easier to hack the antivirus than a *nix based system like the Mac OS...
g, h Representative gross pictures of the right lung and the internal volume at day 21 after PNX (n = 3). Hypothyroidism (Hypo) was induced by PTU in drinking water and TDX. i, j Representative H&E staining of lung sections and mean liner intercept of alveolar (n = 9, ...