安索夫矩陣是由「策略管理之父」伊格爾‧安索夫(H. Igor Ansoff)在其1965年的經典著作《企業策略》(Corporate Strategy)中提出,是一2X2的矩陣,以產品和市場作為兩大基本面向(因此又簡稱為PM矩陣)。 安索夫矩陣的橫軸為「新產品及現有產品」,縱軸為「新市場及現有市場」,劃分出4種產品/市場組合和相對應的市場行...
1965.The firm of the future.Harvard Business Review, 43(5), 162-178. 1965.Corporate Strategy: An Analytical Approach to Business Policy for Growth and Expansion. McGraw-Hill. 1964.A Quasi-Analytic Approach to the Business Strategy Problem, Journal: Management Science – Management, vol. MT-4...
Guth. 1965. Business policy: Text and cases. Homewood: Irwin. Google Scholar Mintzberg, H. 1994. The rise and fall of strategic planning. London: Prentice Hall. Google Scholar Selected Works Ansoff, H. Igor. 1965. Corporate strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill. Google Scholar Ansoff, H. ...
Asmentioned,the‘firstAnsoff’canbeseenasthefatherofthecorporatestrategytoolbox.Untilhis1965book,thefieldwas covered entirely by business case studies teaching, using the large net ‘swot model’ of Harvard professors – Andrews, Christensen, Guth, Learned [3] – and documented with historical ca...
H. Igor Ansoff was the prominent reference in the corporate strategy field, especially during the 1960s and 1970s. His bestselling Corporate Strategy was the first book to give a conceptual framework and tool box for