Igor. 1965. Corporate strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill. Google Scholar Ansoff, H. Igor. 1976. Strategic management. London: Macmillan. Google Scholar Ansoff, H. Igor. 1984. Implanting strategic management. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Google Scholar Ansoff, H. Igor, R.P. Declerck, ...
IGOR ANSOFF Penguin (Harmondsworth) March 1988. Paperback. 284 pp. ISBN 0 14 009112 2 拢5.95 DEVELOPING BUSINESS STRATEGIES (SECOND EDITION) DAVID A. AAKER Wiley (Chichester) 1988. Hardback. 364 pp. ISBN 0 471 60296 5 $24. 95 ORGANISATIONAL INNOVATION: COMPETITIVE STRATEGY AND THE MANAGEME...
Asmentioned,the‘firstAnsoff’canbeseenasthefatherofthecorporatestrategytoolbox.Untilhis1965book,thefieldwas covered entirely by business case studies teaching, using the large net ‘swot model’ of Harvard professors – Andrews, Christensen, Guth, Learned [3] – and documented with historical ca...