5.3.4 handlers和notify handlers本质时task list,类似于mysql中的触发器触发的行为,其中的task与前诉的task并没有本质上的不同 主要用于关注的资源发生变化时,才会采取一定的操作,而notify对应的action可用在每个play的最后被触发,这 样可避免多次有改变发生时每次执行特定的操作,仅在所有的变化发生完成之后一次性的...
常用指令: ansible <hostname (or) hostgroup> -m setup 本地测试指令如: ansible -i deploy/profiles/ha/hosts config -u root --key-file ~/.ssh/build.key -m setup Ansible Gathered Facts or playbook variables belongs to one of the following types Dictionary:{{ansible_apparmor.status}} List:{...
2.1.2 任务列表和action play的主体部分是task list。task list中的各任务按次序逐个在hosts中指定的所有主机上执行,即在所有主机上完成第一个任务后再开始第二个。 在运行自上而下某playbook时,如果中途发生错误,所有已执行任务都可能回滚,因此,在更正playbook后重新执行一次即可。 task的目的是使用指定的参数执行模...
2.如何获取某个具体的事实变量 比如:获取fqdn或者Hostname。得分析变量类型 变量类型1>listlist=[1,2,3,4,5]2>dictdict={'a':1,'b':2}3>set集合4>tuple元组5>string 字符串 有嵌套类型 ansible_facts={"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": ['xxx','xxxx'],"a":3} 字典的值是列表。各种嵌套可以通过格...
facts组件是Ansible用于采集被管理机器设备信息的一个功能。 我们可以通过setup模块查看机器的所有facts信息,同时可以使用filter来查看指定信息。 执行ansible -m setup:| SUCCESS =>{"ansible_facts": {"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": ["",""],"ansible_all_ipv6_ad...
-set_fact: 我收到的输出是: test_name: "{{ test_list | regex_search('^New backup file is (.+)$','\\1') }}" 错误是: 浏览5提问于2020-05-05得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 Python ansible json输出 、、 "hosts": { "_ansible_no_log": false, "ansible_facts": { }, & ...
List: Stores the list of items and the stored information is written inside square brackets[]. These are mostly facts that can have multiple values, e.g.,system_capablities. The list is accessed using square brackets and specifying the index. ...
list/elements=dictionary States of the services with service name as key. Returned:always name string Name of the service. Returned:always Sample:"arp-ethers.service" source string Init system of the service. One ofrcctl,systemd,sysv,upstart,src. ...
volumes list if existent Detailed information about one particular volume on the specified partition. allocation_unit_size integer always Allocation unit size in bytes of the particular volume. Sample: 4096drive_type string always Drive type of the particular volume. Sample: Fixed...
Summary It is possible to get the list of all installed packages by ansible.builtin.package_facts, but not the list of all available to install packages. If a package is not available to install, installing the package via the ansible.bu...