Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain Englis
-name:grouphostsbydistributionhosts:myhostsgather_facts:Truetasks:-name:creategroupsbasedondistrogroup_by:key={{ansible_distribution}}-name:dosomethingtoUbuntuhostshosts:Ubuntutasks:-name:installhtopapt:name=htop# ...-name:dosomethingelsetoCentOShostshosts:CentOStasks:-name:installhtopyum:name=htop# ....
Facts 如果在playbook中配置了 gather_facts:True,则会看到真正的任务开始前,会先执行一个[setup]的模块,用于收集服务器信息,包括cpu架构,操作系统类型,ip地址等信息。这些信息存储在特定的变量中,我们称之为facts。如果你的playbook中不需要这些信息,也可以设置gather_facts:False来加快playbook执行速度,收集服务器信息...
如果在playbook中配置了 gather_facts:True,则会看到真正的任务开始前,会先执行一个[setup]的模块,用于收集服务器信息,包括cpu架构,操作系统类型,ip地址等信息。这些信息存储在特定的变量中,我们称之为facts。如果你的playbook中不需要这些信息,也可以设置gather_facts:False来加快playbook执行速度,收集服务器信息需要花...
•--listforlisting groups 最后,还可以通过add_hosts模块在运行时增加host配置,使用group_by模块在运行时创建group。比如通过 ansible_distribution来根据操作系统创建不同的组,再分别安装软件。 -name:grouphosts by distribution hosts:myhosts gather_facts:Truetasks:-name:create groups based on distro ...
(ex: !hardware,!facter,!ohai)# A minimal set of facts is always gathered.#gather_subset = all# some h 我们可以修改一下配置文件来修改设置,配置文件被读取的顺序如下: *ANSIBLE_CONFIG(一个环境变量) * ansible.cfg(位于当前目录中) * .ansible.cfg(位于家目录中) ...
# implicit - gather by default, turn off with gather_facts: False # explicit - do not gather by default, must say gather_facts: True #gathering = implicit # This only affects the gathering done by a play's gather_facts directive, ...
This option allows you to globally configure a custom path for ‘local_facts’ for the implied M(setup) task when using fact gathering. If not set, it will fallback to the default from the M(setup) module: /etc/ansible/facts.d. This does not affect user defined tasks that use the M...
# plays will gather facts by default, which contain information about # the remote system. # # smart - gather by default, but don't regather if already gathered # implicit - gather by default, turn off with gather_facts: False # explicit - do not gather by default, must say gather_fa...
1.1_palo_facts.yml Formatting update Feb 2, 2021 1.2_palo_initial_setup.yml formatting Sep 24, 2020 1.3_logging_setup.yml Formatting update Feb 2, 2021 1.4_simple_security_rule_add.yml Formatting update Feb 2, 2021 1.5_add_rules_csv.yml ...