set_fact模块可以自定义facts,这些自定义的facts可以通过template或者变量的方式在playbook中使用。如果你想要获取一个进程使用的内存的百分比,则必须通过set_fact来进行计算之后得出其值,并将其值在playbook中引用。 下面是一个set_fact模块的应用示例: -name:set_factexamplehosts:testtasks:-name:CalculateInnoDBbufferp...
Host Facts 是 Ansible 通过setup自动收集的系统信息,用于描述目标主机的状态 Cached Set Facts 是您通过 set_fact 动态设置并选择缓存的自定义变量 cached set_facts 指的是将获取到的变量缓存,可以与redis关联,或通过内置set_fact模块缓存变量,此配置较为复杂,不再详细描述 当前的文件里没有与facts相关的变量,fact...
[root@client facts.d]# cat example.fact [users] user_one: zhangsan user_two: lisi [servers] service_one: httpd service_two: mariadb //在控制节点上查看 [root@localhost project]# ansible all -m setup |less ... "ansible_local": { "example": { "servers": { "service_one": "httpd"...
- name: Install facts hosts: #受管主机 vars: remote_dir: /etc/ansible/facts.d #指定远程受管主机的事实存放目录 facts_file: custom.fact #指定管理主机上的源事实文件 tasks: - name: Create Directory #创建远程主机事实目录 file: #使用file模块 state: directory recurse: y...
- set_fact: snap={{ snap_result.stdout }} - name: delete old snapshot command: aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id "{{ snap }}" 内置变量 hostvars 字典,键名为Ansible的主机的名字 inventory_hostname 当前主机被Ansible识别的名字, ...
set_fact是一个模块,我们可以通过set_fact模块在tasks中定义变量,先来看一个小示例,如下 代码语言:javascript 复制 ---hosts:test70remote_user:roottasks:-set_fact:testvar:"testtest"-debug:msg:"{{testvar}}" ansible 之 wait_for 有些情况下,一些任务的运行需要等待一些状态的恢复,比如某一台主机或者应用...
- set_fact: firewall_rules: - port: 80/tcp - name: Clean Web Servers hosts: web_servers gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Remove packages yum: name: httpd state: absent - set_fact: firewall_rules: - zone: internal service: http ...
this task 'mommand' has extra params, which is only allowed in the following modules: command, win_command, shell, win_shell, script, include, include_vars, add_host, group_by, set_fact, raw, meta [root@temp01 ~]# ansible all -m shell -a 'cat /etc/passwd | grep root' 192.168....
This option can be useful for those wishing to save fact gathering time. Both ‘smart’ and ‘explicit’ will use the cache plugin. Default: implicit Choices: implicit: the cache plugin will be ignored and facts will be gathered per play unless ‘gather_facts: False’ is set. explicit: ...
Add config data ansible.builtin.set_fact: opconfig:"{{lookup('ansible.builtin.file', 'outputConfig') }}" -name:Parse Data ansible.builtin.set_fact: output:"{{ opconfig | parse_cli('pconnection.yml') }}" # Task Output # --- # # TASK [...