- name: 创建用户 {{ user }} user: name: "{{user}}" state: present [root@ansible ansible]# ansible-playbook -e "user=jing" palybook/user.yml PLAY [task1] *** TASK [创建用户jing] *** changed: [] PLAY RECAP ***...
user:name:"{{ user }}"uid:2023shell:/bin/bash home:/home/{{user}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 根据主机清单自动识别变量 group_vars 在Ansible中,group_vars是用于存放与主机组相关的变量的目录。这些变量可以在playbook中通过{{ variable_name }}语法引用,以实现对不同主机...
可使用转义字符;# variable.yml---hosts:localremote_user:rootvars:#关键点1-直接在play文件中定义变量-dirRoot:/tmp/vars_files:#关键点2-包含外部设定的变量文件-/root/var.ymltasks:-name:Create directoryfile:path:"{{dirRoot}}{{create.directory}}"#关键点...
ipss:'123'tasks:-name:Usevariablescreateuser.user: name: "{{iname}}" password: "{{ipss|password_hash('sha512')}}" 7) 执行ansible-playbook命令时使用-e参数定义变量 [root@db04 ansible]# cat command_var.yml---hosts: db01 tasks:-name:createauseruser: name: "{{iname}}" password: "...
[servers:vars]user=joe 此做法存在一些缺点,它使得清单文件更难以处理,在同一文件中混合提供了主机和变量信息,而且采用的也是过时的语法。 1.3.1 使用目录填充主机和组变量 定义主机和主机组的变量的首选做法是在与清单文件或目录相同的工作目录中,创建group_vars和host_vars两个目录。这两个目录分别包含用于定义组...
{user}} {{port}}'" | SUCCESS => { "user": "xiaoma" } # 未获取到定义的变量值,因为xiaoma 这个变量针对172.18.0.4,主机无效 [root@ansible-01 ~]# ansible -i hostsandhostvars -m debug -a "var=user" | SUCCESS => { "user": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED...
variable #变量 templates #模板 handlers #当关注的资源发生变化时,需要采取的操作 roles #角色 举例如下: # cat apache.yml-hosts:webserver remote_user:root vars:-package:httpd-service:httpd tasks:-name:install httpdpackageyum:name={{package}}state=latest-name:install configuration fileforhttpdcopy:src...
"user": "lilei" } // 未获取到定义的变量值,因为 lilei 这个变量针对 主机无效。 # ansible -i hostsandhostvars -m debug -a "var=user" | SUCCESS => { "user": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!" } 3.2 主机组变量 ...
variable 示例2:(在playbook中可以使用所有的变量) 123456 # cat facts.yml - hosts: webserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: copy file copy: content="{{ ansible_all_ipv4_addresses }} " dest=/tmp/vars.ans 八、roles ansible自1.2版本引入的新特性,用于层次性、结构化地组织playbook。roles能够根...
Understanding variable precedence Ansible does apply variable precedence, and you might have a use for it. Here is the order of precedence from least to greatest (the last listed variables override all other variables): command line values (for example,-umy_user, these are not variables) ...