tasks: - block: - yum: name={{ item }} state=installed with_items: - httpd - memcached - template: src=templates/src.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf - service: name=bar state=started enabled=True when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' become: true become_user: root 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6....
node1 ansible_ssh_user-lisi ansible_ssh_password=123456 ansible_ssh_port=2222 #主动设置用户名密码 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [alice@control ansible]$ cat ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory=invertory remote_user=alice roles_path=roles [privilege_escalation] become=True become_method=sud...
become:如果ansible在操作远程主机时,使用的是远程主机上的普通用户,该普通用户是否允许提权 become_method:如果允许提权,使用何种提权方式,默认是sudo become_user:提权到哪个用户身份,默认是root become_ask_pass:提权时,是否交互提示密码验证,默认为False ssh_args:ansible通过ssh连接远程被管理机,这里用于定义一些ssh...
BECOME_ALLOW_SAME_USER Description: When False``(default), Ansible will skip using become if the remote user is the same as the become user, as this is normally a redundant operation. In other words root sudo to root. If ``True, this forces Ansible to use the become plugin anyways...
--become-user:指定执行 sudo或su命令时要切换到哪个用户下,默认是root用户。 -B SECONDS:后台运行超时时间 -C:测试一下会改变什么内容,不会真正去执行,主要用来测试一些可能发生的变化 -f FORKS,:设置ansible并行的任务数。默认值是5 -i INVENTORY: 指定主机清单文件的路径,默认为/etc/ansible/hosts ...
ansilbe_user 登录主机用户名 ansible_become 是否启用 sudo 权限 默认: false 可选值 :true、false ansible_become_pass 登录主机用户密码,用于切换 sudo 权限 建议使用 ansible 命令行参数 ask_become_pass 替换 ansible_become_user 切换sudo 后 执行进程中使用的用户名 ...
--become-user=USERNAME# 指定作为哪个用户执行 比如 --become-user test1 -K, --ask-become-pass# 指定输入远程用户sudo时的验证,become指定的是命令再执行是先sudo ## 举例 ansible all -m shell -a'ls /'--become-user root -K -u zhang -k# 此时需要输入要连接的zhang账户的密码,以及zhang用户substi...
#unparsed_is_failed=False [privilege_escalation] #become=True #是否开启 become 模式 #become_method=sudo #定义 become 方式 #become_user=root #定义 become 用户 #become_ask_pass=False #是否定义 become 提示密码 [paramiko_connection] #record_host_keys=False #是否记录主机 key #pty=False #是否开启...
-u,--user=REMOTE_USER :执行远程执行的用户 -b,--become :代替旧版的sudo切换 --become-user=USERNAME :指定sudo的runas用户,默认为root -K,--ask-become-pass :提示输入sudo时的口令 通配符 代码语言:javascript 复制 ansible "*"-m ping ansible 192.168.1.* -m ping ansible "srvs" -m ping [root...
become: yes become_user: root tasks: - name: Copy HTML files copy: src: /backup/html_files/ dest: /var/www/html/ owner: www-data group: www-data mode: '0755' - name: Copy CSS files copy: src: /backup/css_files/ dest: /var/www/html/css/ ...