shell模块可以在被管理主机上运行命令,并支持像管道符等功能的复杂命令。 创建用户使用无交互模式给用户设置密码 '创建用户niu' ansible mysql -m user -a 'name=niu' 1. 2. 无交互给予用户niu设置密码 ansible mysql -m shell -a 'echo 123123|passwd --stdin niu' Enter passphrase for key '/root/.ssh...
log_path = /var/log/ansible.log #ansible日志文件 module_name = command #默认模块,可以改为shell remote_user = user #要在受管主机上登录的用户名称,没有指定则是当前用户(受管、管控、托管主机的用户名) remote_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp ;临时的py命令文件存放在远程主机目录 [privilege_escalation];特权... 检查文件是否存在后执行命令 检查文件是否不存在后执行命令 -name:Runcommandiffiledoesnotexistan...
4.最后被管理的主机会将Ansible发送过来的任务解析为本地Shell命令执行。 三、安装Ansible 1.环境装备 2.安装ansible [root@m01 ~]#yum install -y ansible 3.ansible参数 [root@m01 ~]#ansible --versionansible 2.9.27config file= /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg#配置文件configured module search path = [u'/...
Currently only used for remote coverage on PowerShell modules. This is for internal use only. Type: str Default: * Version Added: 2.9 Environment: Variable: _ANSIBLE_COVERAGE_REMOTE_PATH_FILTER DEFAULT_ACTION_PLUGIN_PATH Description: Colon-separated paths in which Ansible will search ...
False #开启错误,或者没有定义的变量 #system_warnings = True #开启第三方包系统警告 #deprecation_warnings = True #配置是否显示弃用警告 # (as of 1.8), Ansible can optionally warn when usage of the shell and # command module appear to be simplified by using a default Ansible module # instead....
[Default: True] Notes: If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using `<', `>', `|', etc), you actually want the [shell] module instead. The [command] module is much more secure as it's not affected by the user's environment. `creates', `removes', and ...
The given script will be processed through the shell environment on the remote node. This module does not require Python on the remote system, much like the ansible.builtin.raw module. This module is also supported for Windows targets. Note This module has a corresponding action plugin.Parameter...
- name: Setting environment variables shell: echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk" >> /etc/profile 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 这个playbook文件中,使用了user、file、synchronize和shell模块,文件开始定义了一个主机组hadoophosts,然后设置root用户在远程主机上执行操作,接着,就是task任务...
2、shell模块--可以批量管理主机执行命令(万能模块) 官方模块说明: 参数chdir:在执行命令前进行目录切换 [root@web01~]# ansible server -m shell -a "chdir=/tmp ls"|CHANGED|rc=0>>ansible_command_payload_yJt3M...