For non-Windows targets, use theansible.builtin.shellmodule instead. Parameters Parameter Comments chdir path creates path A path or path filter pattern; when the referenced path exists on the target host, the task will be skipped.
Run PowerShell script that modifies the module changed|if (Get-Service -Name test -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {Remove-Service -Name test}else {$Ansible.Changed = $false}-name:Run PowerShell script in PowerShell
at Ansible.Become.BecomeUtil.CreateProcessAsUser(String username, String password, LogonFlags logonFlags, LogonType logonType, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, String lpCurrentDirectory, IDictionary environment, Byte[] stdin) in c:\Users\ansible\AppData\Local\Temp\qcsb3ejc.1.cs:li...
On the Windows VM where you are running Ansible, open a PowerShell console. Run the following command to update the SQLServerDsc module: Update-Module-Name SQLServerDsc If the module is not installed, you can install it using the following command: Install-Modul...
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report ANSIBLE VERSION v2.1 CONFIGURATION [defaults] hostfile = hosts transport = winrm become_method = runas remote_user = Administrator [winrm] server_cert_validation = ignore OS / ENVIRONMENT Windows 10 SUMMARY If you h...
JMX Agent)承诺要与基于 Windows 的、WS-Management 服务直接交互。 WinRM 可用于 Windows Serve ...