- name: run the task locally, only once command: /opt/my-custom-command connection: local run_once: true 1. 2. 3. 4. 还可以与delegate_to配合使用,让这个只执行一次的任务在指定的机器上运行: - name: run the task locally, only once command: /opt/my-custom-command run_once: true delega...
1、command 模块 //在远程主机执行命令,不支持管道,重定向等shell的特性。 command : ansible的默认模块,不指定-m参数的时候,使用的就是command模块; 常见的命令都可以使用,但命令的执行不是通过shell来执行的,所以< > | and & z这些操作都不可以,不支持管道,没法批量执行命令 ansible-doc -s command #-s ...
可以进行查错测试-c CONNECTION#连接类型使用-f FORKS#并行任务数,默认为5-i INVENTORY#指定主机清单的路径,默认为/etc/ansible/hosts--list-hosts#查看有哪些主机组-m MODULE_NAME#执行模块的名字,默认使用 command 模块,所以如果是只执行单一命令可以不用 -m参数-o#压缩输出,尝试将所有结果在一行输出...
worker_processes{{ansible_processor_vcpus*2}};error_log/var/log/nginx/error.log;pid/run/nginx.pid;include/usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf; events { worker_connections 10240; } http { log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "...
2)command 模块 这个模块可以直接在远程主机上执行命令,并将结果返回本主机。 举例如下: [root@server~]# ansible web -m command -a 'ss -ntl'| SUCCESS |rc=0>> State Recv-Q Send-Q LocalAddress:Port PeerAddress:Port LISTEN0128*:111*:*LISTEN05192.168.122.1:53*:*LISTEN0128*:22*:...
一、command模块 1、简介 command模块用于在给的的节点上运行系统命令,比如echo hello 该模块通过-a跟上要执行的命令可以直接执行,它不会通过shell进行处理,因此诸如$ HOME和诸如“<”,“>”,“|”,“;”和“&”之类的操作将不起作用,也就是在command模块中无法使用管道符(如果需要这些功能,请使用shell模块) ...
Using thewin_packagemodule. This installs software using an MSI or .exe installer from a local/network path or URL. Using thewin_commandorwin_shellmodule to run an installer manually. Thewin_chocolateymodule is recommended since it has the most complete logic for checking to see if a package...
---# ...tasks:-name:Take out of load balancer poollocal_action:ansible.builtin.command /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}# ...-name:Add back to load balancer poollocal_action:ansible.builtin.command /usr/bin/add_back_to_pool {{ inventory_hostname }} ...
default, Ansible will use your local user account’s name to connect to your nodes via SSH. You can override the default behavior by passing the-uoption, plus the desired username. Since there are no standard user accounts on the nodes, in the example, you run the command as the root ...
{ lookup("env", "ANSIBLE_PASSWORD") }}' --extra-vars="@sap-parameters.yaml" "${@}" ) # Run the playbook to perform the Operating System configuration ansible-playbook "${playbook_options[@]}" ~/Azure_SAP_Automated_Deployment/sap-automation/deploy/ansible/playbook_01_os_base_config.yaml...