Command模块是Ansible的默认调用模块,它可以帮助我们在远程主机上执行任意命令,但是需要注意的是,使用Command模块执行命令时,如果需要执行的命令是单一的命令那没什么,但如要需要使用含有管道符,重定向,等特殊字符,这些符号我们的Command是不能识别出来的,当你需要使用管道符的时候应该考虑shell模块来实现,如果远程节点是 ...
(1)To run a command as the apache user:( 以apache账户运行命令),play.yml脚本如下: name: Run a command as the apache user command: somecommand become: true become_user: apache (2)To do something as the nobody user when the shell is nologin:(在shell设置为不登录时将用户更改为nobody),...
# Run a command under a non-Powershell interpreter (cmd in this case) - win_shell: echo %HOMEDIR% args: executable: cmd register: homedir_out # 查看环境变量这一步由于linux/profile的影响,不识别 “ % ”,故使用如下语法方可获取: # ansible winserver -m raw -a 'echo $ENV:PATH'...
ansible<host-pattern>[-f forks][-m module_name][-a args] 也可以通过ansible -h来查看帮助,下面我们列出一些比较常用的选项,并解释其含义: -a MODULE_ARGS#模块的参数,如果执行默认COMMAND的模块,即是命令参数,如: “date”,“pwd”等等-k,--ask-pass#ask for SSH password。登录密码,提示输入SSH密码而...
- name: send configuration commands to IOStelnet:user: ciscopassword: ciscologin_prompt: "Username: "prompts:- "[>|#]"command:- terminal length 0- configure terminal- hostname ios01- name: run show commandstelnet:user: ciscopassword: ciscologin_prompt: "Username: "prompts:- "[>|#]"...
- name: Run command command: ip a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4、执行结果如下所示: 三、场景二 说明:在一些场景中,远程部署某些应用需要root权限,但是root用户不能直接登录,可以通过普通用户提权实现root用户管理权限。 2.1、对单个playbook剧本任务定义被控端普通用户提权 ...
When false, the handlers will not run if a failure has occurred on a host. This can also be set per play or on the command line. See Handlers and Failure for more details. Type: boolean Default: False Version Added: 1.9.1 Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: force_handlers Environment...
but I can't figure out how to translate that to a shell command. I also foundthis stackoverflow questionthat's close, but it's joining the nested items themselves as the arguments, rather than using the nested items as a parameter for the argument and repeating the argument as m...
1. [root@ansible ~]# ansible all -m command -a "chdir=/home ls ./" 2. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 3. z3 4. | CHANGED | rc=0 >> 5. z3 Shell模块 Shell模快在远程主机执行命令,相当于调用远程主机的Shell进程,然后在Shell下打开一个子Shell运行命令。和command模块...
Understand the fundamentals of Ansible automationInstall the Ansible packageRun your first ad hoc command in a few easy steps Users Start writing Ansible playbooksLearn about Ansible modulesBuild inventory files to manage multiple hosts Continue the Ansible user journey ...