to list commands. <!--输入help或?获取帮助-->root@all (2)[f:5]$ cd web <!--使用cd命令切换主机或分组-->root@web (2)[f:5]$ list <!--列出当前的设备--><!--支持Tab键补全,快捷键Ctrl+D或Ctrl+C即可退出当前的虚拟终端--> 4、Ansible模块 1...
---name:run multiple commands on remote deviceshosts:allgather_facts:falseconnection:localtasks:-name:show ver and show ip int briefios_command:commands:-show runregister:print_output-debug:var=print_output.stdout_lines-name:save output to a filecopy:content="{{ print_output.stdout[0] }}" ...
3. Running Commands Locally Ansible has several ways to run commands directly on the controller host: the connection keyword the local_action module the delegate_to keyword using Ansible ad-hoc commands using Ansible Inventory Let’s go through each method one by one. 4. Using a connection Plug...
- name: Set hostname huawei.ce_command: commands: - system-view - sysname MySwitch become: yes 这个Playbook中的关键部分包括: •huawei.ce_command:这是华为提供的Ansible模块,用于执行命令。 •commands:在这个参数中,你可以指定要执行的命令列表。在这个例子中,我们使用了两个命令,分别是进入系统视图(...
icx_command Run arbitrary commands on remote Ruckus ICX7000series switches 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 常用模块 模块名称 模块作用 ping 检查受管节点主机网络是否能够联通。 yum 安装、更新及卸载软件包。
command – Executes a command on a remote node 在一个远程主机上执行一个命令 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ansible172.16.1.31-m command-a"hostname" 拓展应用: 1、chdir Change into this directory before running the command. 在执行命令之前对目录进行切换 ...
Useful if using multiple keys and you don't want to use SSH agent. ansible_shell_type The shell type of the target system. By default commands are formatted using 'sh'-style syntax by default. Setting this to 'csh' or 'fish' will cause commands executed on target systems to follow ...
2、Ansible 配置 Inventory 是 Ansible 管理主机信息的配置文件,相当于系统 Hosts 文件的功能,默认存放在 /etc/ansible/hosts。 在hosts 文件中,通过分组来组织设备,Ansible 通过 Inventory 来定义主机和分组,通过在 ansible 命令中使用选项-i或—inventory-file来指定 Inventory。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
packages=ansible%2C+puppetmaster%2C+salt-master%2C+libchef-ruby&show_installed=on&want_legend=on&want_ticks=on&from_date=2010&to_date=2018&hlght_date=&date_fmt=%25Y-%25m&beenhere=1.此链接可用于生成关于其他 Debian 软件包的时间图。
Variable: _ANSIBLE_COVERAGE_REMOTE_OUTPUT Variables: name: _ansible_coverage_remote_output COVERAGE_REMOTE_PATHS Description: A list of paths for files on the Ansible controller to run coverage for when executing on the remote host. Only files that match the path glob will have their cove...