2、Ansible 配置 Inventory 是 Ansible 管理主机信息的配置文件,相当于系统 Hosts 文件的功能,默认存放在 /etc/ansible/hosts。 在hosts 文件中,通过分组来组织设备,Ansible 通过 Inventory 来定义主机和分组,通过在 ansible 命令中使用选项-i或—inventory-file来指定 Inventory。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
ansible<host-pattern>[-f forks][-m module_name][-a args] 也可以通过ansible -h来查看帮助,下面我们列出一些比较常用的选项,并解释其含义: -a MODULE_ARGS#模块的参数,如果执行默认COMMAND的模块,即是命令参数,如: “date”,“pwd”等等-k,--ask-pass#ask for SSH password。登录密码,提示输入SSH密码而...
command: uptime runs the uptime command on the controller host register: “output” saves the output of the uptime command and stores it in a variable named output debug: var=output.stdout uses the debug module to show the saved output When we run the above playbook, we see the system upt...
apk del build-dependencies && \rm-rf /var/cache/apk/*RUNecho"### Initializing Ansible inventory with the localhost ###"&& \mkdir-p /etc/ansible/library /etc/ansible/roles /etc/ansible/lib /etc/ansible/ && \echo"localhost">> /etc/ansible/hostsENVHOME /home/ansibleENVPATH /etc/ansible/...
你也可以将ping模块改成command,加上参数执行指定命令。比如ansible testserver -m command -a uptime,当然,command是默认模块,因此还可以简化为ansible testserver -a uptime。 #hosts[testserver] command,-i hosts可以省去。ssj@ssj-mbp ~/ansible $ ansible testserver -i hosts -m ping...
- hosts: all tasks: - name: Shell script shell: sh /tmp/script.sh - name: run updatedb command: /usr/bin/updatedb async: 300 poll: 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 上面这个例子shell模块是同时在5台机器上执行,而command模块是同时在所有机器上执行,并且超时时间是300秒,检查任务完成的频率...
- name: Run acommandon the remotehostcommand:whoami 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. task列表和action组件 在Ansible 的 playbook 中,任务(task)是一个包含一个或多个操作(action)的列表。任务定义了一个要在目标主机上执行的操作列表,其中每个操作(action)是执行的一项具体任务。任务和操作都可以使用 Ansible ...
When false, the handlers will not run if a failure has occurred on a host. This can also be set per play or on the command line. See Handlers and Failure for more details. Type: boolean Default: False Version Added: 1.9.1 Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: force_handlers Environment...
icx_command Run arbitrary commands on remote Ruckus ICX... cs_snapshot_policy Manages volume snapshot policies on Apache ... nxos_install_os Set boot options like boot, kickstart image... cnos_static_route Manage static IP routes on Lenovo CNOS netw... ...
Name of the action to execute (default=command) -a 模块带的参数,本实验为raw带的命令,具体带了show ip int brief。 -a MODULE_ARGS, --args MODULE_ARGS -u 带上连接时远程使用的用户名。 -u REMOTE_USER, --user REMOTE_USER connect as this user (default=None) ...