4. 示例Ansible Playbook 以下是一个完整的Ansible Playbook示例,演示了如何在任务中实际应用带有多个条件的when语句: yaml --- - name: Example Playbook with Multiple Conditions hosts: all tasks: - name: Install Apache on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7 yum: name: httpd state: present when: (ansible_os_family...
The when condition in Ansible gives you granular control over task execution, making your playbooks more efficient and adaptable. Whether you’re checking operating systems, variable states, or results from previous tasks, the when condition adds a layer of flexibility to your automation. Key Takea...
如果上述操作对应的Ansible中,也就是一份安装从库的playbook,内部不仅要在从库上执行相关命令,还需要跨机器到主库上执行一些相关命令,类似这种一个任务不是在当前机器执行,而是需要委派到其它机器上执行的操作,就需要用到delegate_to 如下示例,演示了在指定机器增加一条hosts记录解析 - name: add test domain to an...
when:ansible_pkg_mgr =="yum" when:ansible_user_shell" == "/bin/bash" If you want to combine multiple conditions, you can use logical operators such as and, or, and not. when:(condition1)and(condition2) when:(condition1)or(condition2) To understand how to use the Ansible when keywor...
自动化运维工具Ansible实战(五)Playbooks剧本使用 一、Playbook 简介 Playbooks与Ad-Hoc相比,是一种完全不同的运用Ansible的方式,而且是非常之强大的;也是系统ansible命令的集合,其利用yaml语言编写,运行过程,ansbile-playbook命令根据自上而下的顺序依次执行。
Testing multiple conditions with when You can also test multiple conditions at once by using the logical operators. For example, the followingreboot-centos8.ymlplaybook uses the logicalandoperator to reboot servers that are running CentOS version 8: ...
PlayBook语法实例 playbook是由一个或多个play组成的列表,play的主要功能在于将事先归并为一组的主机装扮成事先通过Ansible中的tasks定义好的角色(play的内容被称为tasks,即任务),从根本上来讲所谓tasks无非是调用Ansible的一个module,将多个play组织在一个playbook中即可以让它们联同起来按事先编排的机制一同工作. ...
Add a simple playbook that cats multiple files. Jun 23, 2018 chatty_payload.yml always cast message_size to int Dec 13, 2023 chatty_tasks.yml Add configurable debug task Apr 6, 2018 check.yml Added check.yml Mar 23, 2016 clear_facts.yml ...
=2"-name:This will never report 'changed' statusansible.builtin.shell:wall 'beep'changed_when:False-name:This task will always report 'changed' statusansible.builtin.command:/path/to/commandchanged_when:True You can also combine multiple conditions to override “changed” result....
playbook是由一个或多个play组成的列表,play的主要功能在于将事先归并为一组的主机装扮成事先通过Ansible中的tasks定义好的角色(play的内容被称为tasks,即任务),从根本上来讲所谓tasks无非是调用Ansible的一个module,将多个play组织在一个playbook中即可以让它们联同起来按事先编排的机制一同工作. ...