Failure during ansible-playbook run using vagrant up single node Metron Labels: Apache Metron tbenton Explorer Created 03-31-2016 01:00 PM I am seeing the following error message when performing the single node Metron setup using Vagrant. I've repeated the process and ca...
host_key_checking = False [root@centos yamls]# ansible-playbook push-ssh.yaml PLAY [*] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] ***
如果上述操作对应的Ansible中,也就是一份安装从库的playbook,内部不仅要在从库上执行相关命令,还需要跨机器到主库上执行一些相关命令,类似这种一个任务不是在当前机器执行,而是需要委派到其它机器上执行的操作,就需要用到delegate_to 如下示例,演示了在指定机器增加一条hosts记录解析 - name: add test domain to an...
Generally playbooks will stop executing any more steps on a host that has a task fail. Sometimes, though, you want to continue on. To do so, write a task that looks like this: -name:this will not be counted as a failurecommand:/bin/falseignore_errors:yes ...
-name:This executes, fails, and the failure is ignoredansible.builtin.command:/bin/trueignore_unreachable:true-name:This executes, fails, and ends the play for this hostansible.builtin.command:/bin/true And at the playbook level: -hosts:allignore_unreachable:truetasks:-name:This executes, fai...
一个playbook(剧本)文件是一个YAML语言编写的文本文件 通常一个playbook只包括一个play 一个play的主要包括两部分: 主机和tasks. 即实现在指定一组主机上执行一个tasks定义好的任务列表。 一个tasks中可以有一个或多个task任务 每一个Task本质上就是调用ansible的一个module ...
ansible playbook推荐使用模块的全名, 例如使用ansible.builtin.yum而不是yum, 因为模块的名称可能会重复 以下是官方playbook示例, 示例分为两个play 第一个play会在webservers主机上执行两个task, 把httpd服务通过yum更新到最新版本, 然后根据/srv/httpd.j2模板生成/etc/httpd.conf配置文件 ...
# by default, ansible-playbook will display "Skipping [host]" if it determines a task # should not be run on a host. Set this to "False" if you don't want to see these "Skipping" # messages. NOTE: the task header will still be shown regardless of whether or not the ...
A playbook example follows: --- - hosts: wildcat gather_facts: no strategy: debug tasks: #- name: prime the pump? # when: skip_sudo is not defined or not skip_sudo # changed_when: false # command: /usr/bin/true - name: check sudo password - if this fails, you need '-K' in...
Using filters to manipulate 这里只写重点,方便查阅,基本和翻译差不多。具体内容详解官方文档。 如何处理未定义变量 提供默认值 # 设置默认值为5,2.8版本后可直接如此使用