Popular extra modules may be promoted to core modules over time. The source for these modules is hosted by Ansible on GitHub in Ansible-modules-extras. 28. What are callback plug-ins in Ansible? Callback plug-ins mostly control the output we see while running CMD (Command Prompt) programs...
In contrast to Chef, you don't need to learn Ruby to use Ansible. This is becauseAnsible packagesall commands into YAML modules called playbooks. This means as long as your preferred language can output JSON modules, you can use Ansible. ...
/bin/bash# The module checks for system uptime of the target machine.# The module takes in 'detailed' bool argument from the user# It returns a JSON output since an Ansible module should# output a Valid JSON.source$1if[ -f"/proc/uptime"];thenuptime=`cat/proc/uptime`uptime=${uptime%%...
[root@ks8-master ~]# ansible k8s-node1 -m shell -a 'touch testfile' [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with state=touch rather than running 'touch'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnin...
STDERR: E: Unable to locate package invalid-package --- End output of apt-get -q -y install invalid-package --- Ran apt-get -q -y install invalid-package returned 100 Resource Declaration: --- # In /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/my_cookbook/recipes/default.rb 12: package 'invalid-package...
实验要求 要求1: 1、修改本机ip为合适IP地址 2、编写脚本iptest.sh,功能如下: 3、iptest.sh清空所有存在的规则; 4、只开放22号端口(ssh、tcp); 5、禁止发送icmp包; 6、INPUT默认规则为DROP; 7、OUTPUT默认规则为ACCEPT; 8、FORWARD默认规则为DROP ; 9、iptest.sh能随系统启动。 要求2: 编写脚本iptest2...
westos1 --output=linux:将加密文件解密后将解密内容放在指定文件中,原加密文件依然存在 更改密码 ansible-vault rekey test:对密码进行修改 Ansible加密和解密的使用 需求: 有些敏感的信息不易暴露,所以需要加密存储 机密的文件,在执行的时候加解密,如何实现 文档简介: 有两种更安全的方式来存储这类数据: 1....
标签:VBA 有时候,我们想要批量复制多个工作表到新的工作簿,可以使用VBA代码来实现。...例如,工作簿中有三个工作表,其名称分别为:Data、完美Excel和Output,要将这三个工作表一次复制到一个新的工作簿中并保存,示例代码如下: Sub CopyMultiSheet() Application.ScreenUpdating...= True End Sub 代码很简单,关键就...
[toc] 一、Ansible简介 Ansible是什么 ansible是新出现的自动化运维工具,基于Python开发,集合了众多运维工具(puppet、chef、func、fabric)的优点,实现了批量系统配置、批量程序部署、批量运行命令等功能。 ansible是基于模块化开发的,ansible
GitHub Copilot: Everything you need to know Nov 25, 202415 mins feature Visual Studio Code vs. Sublime Text: Which code editor should you use? Oct 28, 202410 mins review ChatGPT o1-preview excels at code generation Oct 06, 202457 mins ...