[root@centos8-1 ~]# ansible all -a 'touch /tmp/test' //我们在受管主机tmp下面创建一个test,创建成功。 [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with state=touch rather than running 'touch'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this co...
name: copy output to file copy: content="{{ output.stdout[0] }}" dest=./output/{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt when I use copy: content="{{ output.stdout[0] }}" dest=./output/{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt I'm getting the output of first command(show version) in the txt file....
-a, --append-output=文件 将信息添加至 FILE -d, --debug 打印大量调试信息 -q, --quiet 安静模式 (无信息输出) -v, --verbose 详尽的输出 (此为默认值) -nv, --no-verbose 关闭详尽输出,但不进入安静模式 --report-speed=类型 以 <类型> 报告带宽。类型可以是 bits -i, --input-file=文件 下...
TheDefaultExecutestruct has been updated to have a new attribute namedOutputof typeResultsOutputerthat is responsible for printing the execution's output. TheDefaultExecutestruct has been updated to implement theExecutorinterface. TheDefaultExecutestruct has been updated to implement theExecutorEnvVarSetter...
Try'ps --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>'or'ps --help <s|l|o|t|m|a>'foradditionalhelptext. For more details see ps(1).non-zeroreturncode ansible常用模块之raw raw模块用于在远程主机上执行命令,其支持管道符与重定向 //支持重定向 ...
However, I do not know how I can implement this in Ansible, as template would output to a file. I've learned to use jq to [append entry][2] to the JSON document, as seen in "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25414854/add-json-array-element-with-jq-cmdline". However, I do not ...
file模块:用于设置文件的属性,比如创建文件、创建链接文件、删除文件等 fetch模块:用于从远程某主机获取(复制)文件到本地。 yum模块:该模块主要用于软件的安装。 apt模块:这个模块是ubuntu作为远端受控节点OS的时候,用的最多的模块。Apt是Ubuntu/Debian的包管理工具。
-hosts:web_serverstasks:-name:Run a shell command and register its output as a variableansible.builtin.shell:/usr/bin/fooregister:foo_resultignore_errors:true-name:Run a shell command using output of the previous taskansible.builtin.shell:/usr/bin/barwhen:foo_result.rc == 5 ...
If there’s another source of truth in your infrastructure, Ansible can also connect to that. Ansible can draw inventory, group, and variable information from sources like EC2, Rackspace, OpenStack, and more. Here’s what a plain text inventory file looks like: ...
isExist { f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) if err ...