三、ansible.cfg配置文件的配置 Ansible默认安装好后有一个配置文件/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg,该配置文件中定义了ansible的主机的默认配置部分,如默认是否需要输入密码、是否开启sudo认证、action_plugins插件的位置、hosts主机组的位置、是否开启log功能、默认端口、key文件位置等等。在实际应用中,主要对default模块、become...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于ansible mysql模块的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及ansible mysql模块问答内容。更多ansible mysql模块相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
[root@server ~]# ansible-doc -l |grepmysql mysql_db Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote... mysql_replication Manage MySQL replication mysql_user Adds or removes a user from a MySQL databas... mysql_variables Manage MySQL global variables [root@server~]# ansible-doc -s mysql_user...
set mysql-monitor_username='monitor'; set mysql-monitor_password='monitor'; load mysql variables to runtime; save mysql variables to disk; -- config read write split delete from mysql_query_rules; insert into mysql_query_rules(rule_id,active,match_pattern,destination_hostgroup,apply) values (...
mysql_user Adds or removes a user from a MySQL databas...mysql_variables Manage MySQL global variables[root@server~]# ansible-doc-s mysql_user ansible 命令详解 命令的具体格式如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ansible<host-pattern>[-f forks][-m module_name][-a args] ...
login_port: "{{ mysql_port }}" mode: getslave register: slave_status - name: print slave status debug: msg: "Slave_IO: {{ slave_status.Slave_IO_Running }},Slave_SQL: {{ slave_status.Slave_SQL_Running }}" facts变量 ansible在执行playbook时,默认会收集被控主机的信息,这些信息保存在facts...
The connection timeout when connecting to the MySQL server. Default: 30login_host string Host running the database. In some cases for local connections the login_unix_socket=/path/to/mysqld/socket, that is usually /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock, needs to be used instead of login_host=loca...
mysql_role module –Adds, removes, or updates a MySQL or MariaDB role mysql_user module –Adds or removes a user from a MySQL or MariaDB database mysql_variables module –Manage MySQL or MariaDB global variables See also List of collections with docs hosted here.Previous...
- mysql_user - fix support privileges with underscore (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/66974). - mysql_variable - fix the module doesn't support variables name with dot (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/54239). - nxos_facts: Don't throw an error if faninfo is not re...
Variables:变量 Templates:模板,即使用了模板语法的文本文件; Handlers:由特定条件触发的Tasks; Roles:角色; 2.playbook的基础组件: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Hosts:运行指定任务的目标主机; remote_user:在远程主机以哪个用户身份执行; sudo_user:非管理员需要拥有sudo权限; ...