facts组件是Ansible用于采集被管理机器设备信息的一个功能。 我们可以通过setup模块查看机器的所有facts信息,同时可以使用filter来查看指定信息。 执行ansible -m setup:| SUCCESS =>{"ansible_facts": {"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": ["",""],"ansible_all_ipv6_ad...
执行以下命令列出所有受管主机: ansibleall -i /etc/ansible/inventory --list-hosts 执行以下命令列出webservers组中的所有受管主机: ansible webservers -i /etc/ansible/inventory--list-hosts 2. 管理Ansible配置文件 2.1 配置Ansible 可以通过修改 Ansible 配置文件中的设置来自定义 Ansible安装的行为。Ansible从...
hosts: list1 tasks: - debug: msg: "{{ansible_facts['enp1s0']['ipv4']['address']}}" ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 测试 将采集到的受控主机的ip和主机名信息在远程登陆时显示 --- - name: information hosts: list1 tasks: - name: copy: content: "hostname:{{ansible_facts['fqdn'...
[root@localhost ~]# ansible db-111-node.example.com --list-hosts [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: db-111-node.example.com [WARNING]: No hosts matched, nothing to do hosts (0): //列出指定组中的所有主机: [root@localhost ~]# ansible dbservers --list-hosts h...
本地测试指令如: ansible -i deploy/profiles/ha/hosts config -u root --key-file ~/.ssh/build.key -m setup Ansible Gathered Facts or playbook variables belongs to one of the following types Dictionary:{{ansible_apparmor.status}} List:{{ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[1]}} (不带[1]会返回整个...
变量类型1>listlist=[1,2,3,4,5]2>dictdict={'a':1,'b':2}3>set集合4>tuple元组5>string 字符串 有嵌套类型 ansible_facts={"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": ['xxx','xxxx'],"a":3} 字典的值是列表。各种嵌套可以通过格式观察 ansible_facts的一级别的key:对应的value如果是列表[1,2,3,4,5]...
This does not affect explicit calls to the ‘setup’ module, but does always affect the ‘gather_facts’ action (implicit or explicit). Type: list Default: ['smart'] Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: facts_modules Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_FACTS_MODULES Variables: name: ansible_facts...
[root@k8s_master1~]# ansible all--list-hostshosts(2):k8s_node1 k8s_node2[root@k8s_master1~]# ansible all-m ping-kSSHpassword:---》需要交互式输入密码 k8s_node1|SUCCESS=>{"ansible_facts":{"discovered_interpreter_python":"/usr/bin/python"},"changed":false,"ping":"pong"}k8s_node2|...
#gather_subset = all # some hardware related facts are collected # with a maximum timeout of 10 seconds. This # option lets you increase or decrease that # timeout to something more suitable for the # environment. # gather_timeout = 10 ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } 对webservers 组进行 ping 操作 ansible webservers -m ping 在命令后加 -v 或 -vvv 可得到详细的输出结果 ...