expires:设置用户的过期时间,值为时间戳,会转为天数后,放在shadow的最后第8个字段里。 generate_ssh_key:设置为yes将会为用户生成密钥,这不会覆盖原来的密钥 ssh_key_type:指定用户的密钥类型,默认为rsa,具体的类型取决于被管理节点 state:删除或添加用户,present为添加,absent为删除;默认为present remove:当与state...
首先创建ssh-key授权,将公钥文件copy到两台主机上 ssh-copy-id ssh-copy-id 1. 2. 然后hosts文件添加如下内容 [db_server] 1. 2. 3. 确定2台主机都能正常连接 ansible db_server -m ping 建立mysql项目的角色目录 cd /etc/ansible/roles/ mkdir ...
1. ssh-keygen生成密钥对; 2. 公钥文件备份; 3. authorized_key命令公钥文件拷贝授权。 方法二: --- - name: Generate SSH keys shell: ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -q -N '' -f "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.ssh/id_rsa" args: creates: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.ssh/id_rsa" - name: ...
developers#指定附加组shell: /bin/bash#指定登录脚本append:yes#添加附加组时使用remove:yes#移除家目录generate_ssh_key:yes#是否生成密钥对ssh_key_bits: 2048#秘钥加密的位数ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa#秘钥文件expires: 1422403387#用户的有效时间state:...
- 创建一个用户alex ansible web -m user -a 'name=alex' - 创建一个用户组wusir ansible web -m group -a 'name=wusir' - 复制/etc/fstab文件到/tmp目录下面 ansible web -m copy -a 'dest=/tmp/fstab src=/etc/fstab' - 安装nginx ansible web -m yum -a 'name=nginx' - 安装redis ansible...
Generate SSH key pair using ssh-keygen 2. Locate the Public RSA key. The default location would be -/home/ubuntu/.ssh/.id_rsabut it varies a lot based on the settings of your remote server. Locate the SSH keys 3. Copy the Public SSH key to the remote server. ...
1. /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2. PasswordAuthentication yes~]# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" /bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out ...
Generate the SSH key pair, accept the default file name and leave the passphrase empty: [ansible@admin ~]$ ssh-keygen Copy the public key to all nodes in the storage cluster: ssh-copy-id USER_NAME@HOST_NAME ReplaceUSER_NAMEwith the new user name for the Ansible user. ReplaceHOST_NAME...
generate_ssh_key:是否创建秘钥对 yes:创建 no:不创建 ssh_key_bits:指定秘钥对加密长度 ssh_key_file:指定私钥文件的位置 system:是否是系统用户-r yes:是系统用户 no:不是系统用户 group 代码语言:javascript 复制 name:指定组名 gid:指定组id state: ...
If using SSH keys for authentication, you probably do not need to change this setting. Type: boolean Default: False Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: ask_pass Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS DEFAULT_ASK_VAULT_PASS Description: This controls whether an Ansible playbook should ...