当设置为yes时,为用户生成 ssh 密钥对,默认在~/.ssh目录中生成名为id_rsa私钥和id_rsa.pub公钥,如果同名密钥已经存在,则不做任何操作。 sssh_key_bits:当generate_ssh_key=yes时,指定生成的ssh key加密位数。 ssh_key_file:当generate_ssh_key=yes时,使用此参数指定ssh私钥的路径及名称,会在同路径下生成以...
generate_ssh_key:参数用于指定是否生成ssh密钥对,布尔类型,默认为false。当设置为yes时,为用户生成 ssh 密钥对,默认在~/.ssh目录中生成名为id_rsa私钥和id_rsa.pub公钥,如果同名密钥已经存在,则不做任何操作。 sssh_key_bits:当generate_ssh_key=yes时,指定生成的ssh key加密位数。 ssh_key_file:当generate_...
generate_ssh_key: # Whether to generate a SSH key for the user in question. This will *not* overwrite an existing SSH key. group: # Optionally sets the user's primary group (takes a group name). groups: # Puts the user in list of groups. When set to the empty string ('groups='...
- name: "Create a 2048-bit SSH key for user root in /root/.ssh/id_rsa 如果尚未存在的话." user: name: root generate_ssh_key: yes ssh_key_bits: 2048 ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa when: username == 'root' and temp_file_path.stat.exists == False #添加一个sudo user {{username}}...
Ansible 是一个模型驱动的配置管理器,支持多节点发布、远程任务执行。默认使用 SSH 进行远程连接。无需在被管理节点上安装附加软件,可使用各种编程语言进行扩展。 上图为ansible的基本架构,从上图可以了解到其由以下部分组成: 远程调用管理模块,从Inventory里调用主机名字 ...
1. How do I setup your SSH keys? Before we start using the SSH keys in ourAnsible Playbookit is really important for us to first generate the SSH key pair, which includes bothPrivate and Public keys. 1. Generate an SSH key pair. ...
Ansible中,-k或--ask-pass选项用于提示输入SSH密码。这在你需要通过SSH连接到目标主机,但又没有设置SSH密钥对的情况下非常有用。使用-k选项后,Ansible将在执行playbook或命令时提示你输入SSH密码。在使用ansible的时候会遇到如果不加 -k( 通过key验证)这个参数时认证失败。
We do not ignore the explicitly set login user for ssh when it matches the 'current user' anymore, this allows overriding .ssh/config when it is set explicitly. Leaving it unset will still use the same user and respect .ssh/config. This also means ansible_ssh_user can now return a Non...
generate_ssh_key=yes:创建用户的同时是否为此用户创建ssh密钥文件 #查看创建的用户 ansible -i hosts bigops -m shell -a "id ansible" | CHANGED | rc=0 >> uid=1024(ansible) gid=1038(ansible) groups=1038(ansible),0(root) #删除用户 ansible -i hosts bigops -m user ...
Sets the default value for the any_errors_fatal keyword, if True, Task failures will be considered fatal errors. Type: boolean Default: False Version Added: 2.4 Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: any_errors_fatal Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_ANY_ERRORS_FATAL BECOME_ALLOW_SAME_USER ...