install 从file(s)、URL(s)或Ansible Galaxy安装role(s) remove 删除本地已下载的Roles。 delete从Galaxy中移除角色。它不会删除或更改实际的GitHub存储库。 import 导入一个角色 setup 管理Galaxy和给定源代码之间的集成。 ]# ansible-galaxy collection -h usage: ansible-galaxy collection [-h] COLLECTION_ACTIO...
[root@master ~]# ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.mysql - downloading role 'mysql', owned by geerlingguy - downloading role from - extracting geerlingguy.mysql to /root/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.mysql - geerlingguy.mysq...
(ansible-galaxycollectioninstall). You can pass in a list (roles or collections) or use the file option listed below (these are mutually exclusive). If you pass in a list, it can be a name (which will be downloaded via the galaxy API and github), or it can be a local tar archive...
installed. Has an effect only if state is `present' or `latest'. disablerepo # `Repoid' of repositories to disable for the install/update operation. These repos will not persist beyond thetransaction. When specifying multiple repos, separate them with a ",". enablerepo # `Repoid' of repo...
SUMMARY When using src: file://path_to_local_role_repo as mentioned in the docs ansible-galaxy fails with [ERROR]: failed to download the file: <urlopen error [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/home/paul/Documents/git_repos/ansible-roles-git/a...
whether ansible-galaxy collection install should warn about --collections-path missing from configured COLLECTIONS_PATHS. Type: bool Default: True Version Added: 2.16 Ini: Section: [galaxy] Key: collections_path_warning Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_GALAXY_COLLECTIONS_PATH_WARNING GALAXY_DISABLE...
SUMMARY Ansible galaxy collection installation in command line fails when parameter is an URL. ansible-galaxy collection install Process install dependency ...
一、介绍Anisble galaxy 1、介绍Ansibleu galaxy 1️⃣:Ansible Galaxy (官网:是一个Ansible内容公共资源库,这些内容由许许多多Ansible管理员和用户编写。 2️⃣:它包含数千个Ansible角色,具有可搜索的数据库,可帮助Ansible用户确定或许有助于他们完成管理任务的角色 ...
/us/bin/ansible-galaxy:下载/上传优秀代码或Roles模块的自网平台 /usr/bin/ansible-playbook:定制自动化任务,编排剧本工具 /usr/bin/ansible-pull:远程执行命令的工具 /usr/bin/ansible-vault:文件加密工具 /usr/bin/ansible-console:基于Console界面与用户交互的执行工具 以上命令,最常用的两个:ansible和ansible-pl...
ansible-galaxy 指令用于方便的从站点下载第三方扩展模块,我们可以形象的理解其类似于centos下的yum、python下的pip或easy_install 。如下示例: [root@localhost ~]# ansible-galaxy install aeriscloud.docker - downloading role 'docker', owned by aeriscloud ...