statefilefile代表拷贝后是文件linklink代表最终是个软链接directorydirectory代表文件夹 hard hard代表硬链接 touch touch代表生成一个空文件 absent absent代表删除 ansible all -mfile -a'dest=/data/html state=directory' #创建目录 ansible all -mfile -a'dest=/data/html2 state=link src=/etc' #创建软链...
statefilefile代表拷贝后是文件linklink代表最终是个软链接directorydirectory代表文件夹 hard hard代表硬链接 touch touch代表生成一个空文件 absent absent代表删除 ansible all -mfile -a'dest=/data/html state=directory' #创建目录 ansible all -mfile -a'dest=/data/html2 state=link src=/etc' #创建软链...
Provide a specific branch to import. When a branch is not specified the branch found in meta/main.yml is used. If no branch is specified in meta/main.yml, the repo's default branch (usually master) is used. DELETEThe delete sub-command will delete a role from Requi...
project-top-level-directory>/roles/requirements.yml。 如果找到这个文件,以下命令会自动运行: ansible-galaxy role install -r roles/requirements.yml -p <project-specific cache location>/requirements_roles -vvv 此文件允许您引用 Ansible Galaxy 角色或其他可以与您自己的项...
Explanation:In the above example, it downloads the ‘users’ role, owned by single platform-eng, and installs it. ‘ansible-galaxy’ command installs roles to the default directory that is ‘/etc/ansible/roles’ however if we want to install roles to a specific directory, we can do it ...
Role Creation: ansible-galaxy enables users to create their own Ansible roles from scratch. Roles are modular units of automation that encapsulate specific functionalities and can be easily reused across different projects. With ansible-galaxy, users can initialize the directory structure and essential ...
If you want to install a specific version, you can add a version range identifier. For example, to install the 1.0.0-beta.1 version of the collection:ansible-galaxy collection install my_namespace.my_collection:==1.0.0-beta.1 You can specify multiple range identifiers separated by ,. Use...
We should fix the unhandled traceback to give a better error. A workaround is to install the specific version you want:ansible-galaxy install idolize.dotfiles_stow,1.0.0. It looks like there's a versionNonepublished. You can useansible-galaxy role delete github_user github_repoto remove bot...
Issue Type: Bug Report/Feature Idea Ansible Version: ansible 1.9.1 configured module search path = None Ansible Configuration: [defaults] log_path = ../.tmp/ansible.log # path to the directory containing roles roles_path = roles hash_beh...
./ansible.cfg -- Local config file (in current working directory) assumed to be 'project specific' and overrides the rest if present. As mentioned above, the ANSIBLE_CONFIG environment variable will override all others. Author Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. ...