#ansible dns -m copy -a 'src=/tmp/abc.txt dest=/app backup=yes' 复制目录时,斜线不要写 #ansible dns -m copy -a 'src=/tmp/dir1 dest=/app' 根据内容生成文件,相当于echo abc123 > /app/123.txt #ansible dns -m copy -a 'content="abc123" dest=/app/123.txt' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
register: file_stat - name: Copy file if does not exist copy: src: /path/to/file.txt dest: /path/on/remote/file.txt when: file_stat.stat.exists == False ``` 在这个示例中,我们使用了"stat"模块来检查目标文件是否已经存在,并将结果存储在file_stat变量中。然后,我们使用"when"条件来判断文件...
skipped, since /old does not exist 利用command模块实现批量管理:warn实践 warn=False 忽略警告的意思 [root@localhost ~]# ansible all -m command -a "chmod 000 /etc/hosts" #警告未忽略,下面是紫色的 [WARNING]: Consider using the file module with mode rather than running 'chmod'. If you need ...
The file src.txt was copied successfully as “files/dest.txt” as we can see from the output of the copy task,changed: true How to disable Force Copy of Ansible Copy If the force copy has to be disabled, i.e., ignore the copy task if the file is already present, then use the op...
Iffile, even with other options (such asmode), the file will be modified if it exists but will NOT be created if it does not exist. Set totouchor use theansible.builtin.copyoransible.builtin.templatemodule if you want to create the file if it does not exist. ...
[root@Monitor ansible]# ansible -m file -a "path=/tmp/fstab state =absent"###在远程主机删除fstab软连接 | SUCCESS => { "changed":true, "path":"/tmp/fstab", "state":"absent" } 6,copy模块。实现复制文件到远程主机,copy模块包含如下选项: backup:在覆盖之前...
- name: Install and Onboard MDE hosts: servers tasks: - name: Create a directory if it does not exist ansible.builtin.file: path: /tmp/mde_install state: directory mode: '0755' - name: Copy Onboarding script ansible.builtin.copy: src: "{{ onboarding_json }}" dest: /tmp/mde_in...
(dest)dest_status=self._execute_remote_stat(dest_file,all_vars=task_vars,follow=False,tmp=tmp,checksum=force)# 如果是目录,则返回ifdest_status['exists']anddest_status['isdir']:self._remove_tmp_path(tmp)result['failed']=Trueresult['msg']="can not use content with a dir as dest"return...
# creates # a filenameor(since2.0)glob pattern,when it already #exists,thisstep will*not*be run.# executable # change the shell used to execute the command.Should be #an absolute path to the executable.# free_form=# the command module takes a free form command to run.#There is no ...
lineifsetto no/false.[root@node1~]#[root@node1~]# ansible-doc-s command-name:Executes a command on a remote nodeaction:command chdir # cd intothisdirectory before running the command creates # a filenameor(since2.0)glob pattern,when it already exists,thisstep will*not*be run.executable...