- name: Check if file exists using stat module stat: path: /path/to/file register: file_status - name: Print file status debug: var: file_status.stat.exists 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 在此示例中,stat 模块用于检索有关指定路径中文件的信息。register 关键字用于将任务结果保存到名为 ...
在Ansible中,您可以使用stat模块来判断文件是否存在。下面是一个使用stat模块的示例: - name: Check if file exists stat: path: /path/to/file register: result - name: Print file existence status debug: msg: "File exists" when: result.stat.exists - name: Print file does not exist status debug:...
- name: Check if file exists hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Check file existence command: ls /path/to/file.txt register: file_result ignore_errors: true - name: Print file existence debug: msg: "File exists" when: file_result.rc == 0 - name: Print file does not exist debug: msg...
通过检查stat模块返回的结果中的exists字段,我们可以判断文件是否存在。 以下是一个使用stat模块判断文件是否存在的示例Playbook: yaml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Check if the file exists stat: path: /path/to/your/file register: file_stat - name: Print the result debug: msg: "The ...
使用Ansible检查文件中的序列,可以通过Ansible的file模块和lineinfile模块来实现。 Ansible的file模块可以用于检查文件是否存在、文件权限、文件所有者等属性。可以使用该模块来检查文件是否存在。 示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 - name: Check if file exists stat: path: /path/to/file register: file_stat - name:...
- name: Check if file exists hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Check file existence stat: path: /path/to/file register: file_stat - name: Run ansible command if file does not exist command: ansible when: not file_stat.stat.exists 上述Playbook...
register: file_status 然后我们 debug 一下注册的这个变量 file_status - name: file_status - display on screen debug: msg: "{{ file_status }}" 这个task 的输出如下,我们可以看到输出了关于这个变量的全部 facts TASK [create_delete_folder : Check that the devnet.md exists] *** ok: [
--- name:Search String with lineinfilehosts:webtasks:- name:"Searching for a String"become:yesbecome_user:roottags:example1lineinfile:path:/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confline:"LogLevel debug"state:presentcheck_mode:yesregister:presencefailed_when:presence is changed- name:"sample task in case the...
-name:Check if a file exists in temp and fail task if it doesansible.builtin.command:ls /tmp/this_should_not_be_hereregister:resultfailed_when:-result.rc == 0-'"Nosuch"notinresult.stderr' If you want the task to fail when only one condition is satisfied, change thefailed_whendefinit...
---hosts:remoteuser:rdastasks:-name:Checkifprocessrunningaction:chkprocessprocess=httpdregister:process-debug:msg="{{process.msg}}" 正如您所看到的,我们将检查指定的httpd进程是否在目标主机上运行。如果没有,这应该会导致 Ansible 运行失败。 现在让我们执行针对目标机器的 Ansible play: *...