官方网站: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_adhoc.html /etc/ansible/hosts [centos] [ubuntu] [linux] Shell Commands 1.新建用户并修改密码 ansible linux -m shell -a "useradd -m foo" ansible linux -m shell -a "echo foo...
Why use ad hoc commands? ad hoc commands are great for tasks you repeat rarely. For example, if you want to power off all the machines in your lab for Christmas vacation, you could execute a quick one-liner in Ansible without writing a playbook. An ad hoc command looks like this:...
1、Ad-Hoc Commands ad-hoc command是一种快速执行的模式,且不会保存 2、Playbooks Playbooks是完全不同于adhoc的执行模式,格式是YAML,每个playbook由一个或更多的'plays'组成 just one play: --- -hosts: webserversremote_user: root tasks:- name:writethe apache configfiletemplate: src=/srv/httpd.j2 ...
2、ansible工作模式 ansible分为两种工作模式: adhoc(点对点模式):此模式相当于对管理主机执行单个shell命令。 playbook(剧本模式):该模式应用较多,该模式是指将一系列任务整合形成一个剧本,以此来达成某种功能(比如部署某个服务,数据备份等)的目的。 上述两种模式可类比于一个是用于执行单个shell命令,一个是shell脚本。
你刚刚通过Ansible连接了你的所有节点.很快你就会阅读更多的关于现实案例Introduction To Ad-Hoc Commands并探索可以通过不同的模块做什么以及研究Ansible的playbook语言Playbooks.Ansible不只是能运行命令,它同样也拥有强大的配置管理和部署特性.虽然还有更多内容等待你的探索,但你基础设施已经能完全工作了!公钥认证Ansible1.2...
1.1 Introduction Before we dive into the really fun parts – playbooks, configuration management, deployment, and orchestration, we'll learn how to get Ansible installed and some basic concepts. We'll go over how to execute ad-hoc commands in parallel across your nodes using /usr/bin/ansible...
AdHoc Commands Playbooks Tasks:任务,即调用模块完成的某操作 Variables:变量 Templates:模板 Handlers:处理器,由某事件触发执行的操作 Roles:角色 playbook基础组件简介 (1)Hosts和Users playbook中的每一个play的目的都是为了让某个或某些主机以某个指定的用户身份执行任务。hosts用于指定要执行指定任务的主机,其可以...
Module to use with the ansible AdHoc command, if none is specified via -m. Default: command Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: module_name DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH Description: Colon-separated paths in which Ansible will search for Modules. Type: pathspec Default: {{ ANSIBLE_HOME ~ "/plug...
AnsibleAdhocExecuteexecutorhas been introduced. Thatexecutorallows you to create an executor to runansiblecommands using the default settings ofDefaultExecute. Thisexecutoris located in thegithub.com/apenella/go-ansible/v2/pkg/execute/adhocpackage. ...
This repo covers Ansible with HowTo: Hands-on LABs (using Multipass: Ubuntu Lightweight VMs): Ad-Hoc Commands, Modules, Playbooks, Tags, Managing Files and Servers, Users, Roles, Handlers, Host Variables, Templates and many details. Possible usage scenarios are aimed to update over time. Key...