上面四个模块都属于commands 类。 command模块,该模块通过-a跟上要执行的命令可以直接执行,不过命令里如果有带有如下字符部分则执行不成功 “ so variables like $HOME and operations like "<", ">", "|", and "&" will not work (use the shell module if you need these features).”; shell 模块,用...
介绍ansible的Ad-hoc与commands模块 Ad-Hoc 是指ansible下临时执行的一条命令,并且不需要保存的命令,对于复杂的命令后面会说playbook。讲到Ad-hoc 就要提到模块,所有的命令执行都要依赖于事先写好的模块,默认安装好的ansible 里面已经自带了很多模块,如:command、raw、shell、file、cron等,具体可以通过ansible-doc -l...
运维人员可以组合 CMDB 和 Ansible,通过 CMDB 直接下发指令调用Ansible 工具集完成操作者所希望达到的目标;PUBLIC/PRIVATE 方式:Ansible 除了丰富的内置模块外,同时还提供丰富的 API语言接口,如PHP、Python、PERL 等多种流行语言,基于 PUBLIC/PRIVATE,Ansible 以 API 调用的方式运行;Ad-Hoc 命令集:Users直接通...
Shell Commands 1.新建用户并修改密码 ansible linux -m shell -a "useradd -m foo" ansible linux -m shell -a "echo foo:foo|chpasswd" 2.提升为sudoer root@jlive:~#ansible linux-mshell-a "echo 'foo ALL=(ALL) ALL' >/etc/sudoers.d/foo" root@jlive:~#ansible linux -a "cat /etc/sudo...
Ad-Hoc Commands Hosts Patterns 指定User 来执行任务 并行的执行任务 Ad-Hoc Commands 相对于 Ansible Playbook, Ad-Hoc Commands 通过手动执行 ansible CLI 用于快速执行简单的任务,且这些 Commands 不需要特别地保存下来。 ansible CLI 的基础格式为:
A few examples of ad hoc commands are included in this line of code: $ ansible app-b-myum-a"name=MySQL-python state=present" These commands install aMySQL-pythonpackage on the app group. The-boption runs an operation withbecome. You can provide the username using–become-user. The-mopti...
Introduction To Ad-Hoc Commands 在下面的例子中,我们将演示如何使用/usr/bin/ansible运行 ad hoc 任务. 所谓ad-hoc 命令是什么呢? (这其实是一个概念性的名字,是相对于写 Ansible playbook 来说的.类似于在命令行敲入shell命令和 写shell scripts两者之间的关系)......
Ansiblebecome_user(sudo su) in Ansible AD HOC commands In this example, we are going to create a new file inside a directory/opt/oraclewhich is owned byweblogicuser In the following ad-hoc command snapshot you can see we have given the username we want to switch to using--become-user=...
ad hoc commands demonstrate the simplicity and power of Ansible. The concepts you learn here will port over directly to the playbook language. Before reading and executing these examples, please readHow to build your inventory. Why use ad hoc commands? ...
ansible for devops 读书笔记第二章Ad-Hoc Commands 参数 参数说明 -a ‘Arguments’, —args=’Arguments’ 命令行参数 -m NAME, —module-name=NAME 执行模块的名字,默认使用 command 模块,所以如果是只执行单一命令可以不用 -m参数 -i PATH, —inventory=PATH 指定库存主机文件的路径,默认为/etc/ansible/...