#accelerate_connect_timeout = 5.0 # If set to yes, accelerate_multi_key will allow multiple # private keys to be uploaded to it, though each user must # have access to the system via SSH to add a new key. The default # is "no". accelerate_multi_key = yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
在管控主机中通过指定用户发起操作指令,在受管主机中通过ssh远程连接方式以student用户身份执行,并验证密码;如果ask_pass为false 则可以通过-k 或者--ask-pass来提示接收密码进行验证。 host_key_checking = False 关闭主机秘钥验证: 或者直接在控制主机的操作系统中设置环境变量, 如下所示: $export ANSIBLE_HOST_KE...
Uncomment this line to have # Paramiko automatically add host keys. #host_key_auto_add = True [ssh_connection] #SSH 连接配置 #ssh_args = -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s #ansib ssh参数,ControlMaster用于设置是否启用 SSH的Multiplexing,关闭则写no,ControlPersist为SSH session保持的...
Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this. Please add this host's fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host. 修改host_key_checking(默认是check的): vi/home/xiangdong/ansible/ansible.cfg # unco...
42self.output =checkrunner.run()43self.printLog(self.output)4445def addRoot(self):46self.checkUserExist()47runner =ansible.runner.Runner(48module_name='user',49module_args='name=%s groups=root append=no'%self.userName,50timeout=self.timeOut,51remote_port=self.remotePort,52remote_user=self...
Key: deprecate Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_COLOR_DEPRECATE COLOR_DIFF_ADD Description: Defines the color to use when showing added lines in diffs. Default: green Ini: Section: [colors] Key: diff_add Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_COLOR_DIFF_ADD COLOR_DIFF_LINES Description: ...
Should be of format<hostname[,IP]>ssh-rsa<pubkey>. For custom SSH port,keyneeds to specify port as well. See example section. name aliases: host string/required The host to add or remove (must match a host specified in key). It will be converted to lowercase so that ssh-keygen can...
ansible_ssh_extra_args should do it too, although in my testing, it did not seem to work. In ssh client configuration Add the following at the top of ~/.ssh/config : Host HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa Fixes...
ansible<host-pattern>[-f forks][-m module_name][-a args] 也可以通过ansible -h来查看帮助,下面我们列出一些比较常用的选项,并解释其含义: -a MODULE_ARGS#模块的参数,如果执行默认COMMAND的模块,即是命令参数,如: “date”,“pwd”等等-k,--ask-pass#ask for SSH password。登录密码,提示输入SSH密码而...
{ loadbalancer_name }}"register:output- name:Addallhostsadd_host:groups:scalesethostshostname:"{{ output_ip_address.publicipaddresses[0].ip_address }}_{{ item.properties.frontendPort }}"ansible_host:"{{ output_ip_address.publicipaddresses[0].ip_address }}"ansible_port:"{{ item....